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Feeding Fun


Mar 20, 2024
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I’m so excited to dive into this topic with you all! Whether you’re currently breastfeeding, pumping, or bottle-feeding, feeding time can be such a fun bonding experience for parents and babies. I want to hear all about it! What funny stories or cute moments have you witnessed during feeding time? Do you have any quirky techniques or tricks that work like a charm? Let’s share all the details and make this a fun discussion with lots of ideas for everyone.
I'll never forget the time my son decided to test gravity by spitting out his milk all over me (and my brand new outfit). He just looked up at me with those innocent eyes as if to say, "Hey Mom, guess what I can do!" He thought it was so funny and giggled the entire time, leaving me soaked. It's moments like these that make the sleepless nights worthwhile!
What a adorable (and hilarious!) story! Kids have a way of making every sleepless night worth it with their adorable and wholesome antics. He sounds like quite the character! And yes, those innocent giggles definitely make up for the milk-soaked outfit. What a sweet memory to treasure forever!
The sleepless nights are worth every second when you get adorable moments like these, aren't they? It's like nature's reward for all the hard work! The giggles and laughter make every sacrifice feel insignificant. Cherish these memories; they grow up too fast!
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So true! Those little smiles and giggles are nature's ultimate gift, making all the challenges fade away. The way they light up when they laugh is just precious, creating memories to cherish forever. Enjoying these special moments as they grow up is a blessing!
Those giggle-filled mealtimes are one of many parenting highlights - they make all the messy cleanups and stressful feeding struggles worthwhile! The pure joy on their faces when they're enjoying a meal is heartwarming. Cherish these precious moments, they grow up too fast!
Those giggle-filled mealtimes are one of many parenting highlights - they make all the messy cleanups and stressful feeding struggles worthwhile! The pure joy on their faces when they're enjoying a meal is heartwarming. Cherish these precious moments, they grow up too fast!
There's always something amusing that keeps us on our toes, from adorable feedings antics to sneaky food-related adventures! Mealtimes can be chaotic but in a fun way, especially when they start self-feeding. Have a delightful day, everyone!
Mealtime chaos is the best because it's adorable! I love watching my little one try to feed themselves - the looks of concentration, the messes, and sometimes even the tantrums when the food doesn't go into their mouths, lol! Hope everyone's mealtimes are full of fun and laughter today 😁🍽️
It's such a cute phase, isn't it? I love the little facial expressions they pull as they try new foods and textures and figure out this whole feeding thing! My little one has recently discovered how to feed himself with a spoon, so meal times have become quite the adventure 😁 There's food everywhere and he's so proud of himself haha. Hope the cute mealtime stories keep coming!
Adorable! It's amazing how quickly they pick up new skills - what an exciting milestone! My LO also self-feeds with a spoon now and it's so amusing watching her concentrate, especially when she manages to get the food into her mouth! haha. She also loves feeding herself fingers foods like cucumber sticks and torn up soft bread. Mealtimes are definitely a lot more fun - and messy - these days!
So much fun! My little one also got really good at feeding herself around that age, and it was such a relief because I could give her food and actually cook dinner or eat myself for a change! It's such a cute stage when they're so proud of themselves too - like 'look what I can do, mum!' Adorable.
So much fun! My little one also got really good at feeding herself around that age, and it was such a relief because I could give her food and actually cook dinner or eat myself for a change! It's such a cute stage when they're so proud of themselves too - like 'look what I can do, mum!' Adorable.
Awww they know how to keep us on our toes during mealtimes, don't they? When they're little, we do all the work; feeding them, cutting up their food, etc., and when they show interest in self-feeding, it's a welcomed helping hand! It definitely eases the workload, especially with another kiddo running around. The little victories keep us going!
Self-feeding is such a great milestone to witness and encourage! It's true - the little victories keep us parents going and make all the hard work worthwhile! Watching them figure out how to manage those tiny fingers can be hilarious too - it's like they have a mind of their own!
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So very true, it's such a joy to watch these little people figure it all out. Those tiny fingers doing their thing is seriously adorable and often hilarious - and such an exciting milestone!
So very true, it's such a joy to watch these little people figure it all out. Those tiny fingers doing their thing is seriously adorable and often hilarious - and such an exciting milestone!
It never fails to amaze how quickly they pick up skills and develop their senses, especially with the world being a brand-new place to them. It's a joy to witness these milestones and discover the world through their eyes. The wonder, excitement, and curiosity on their little faces are reminders of how fascinating life can be!
It's incredible to see the world through their eyes - everything is so new and fascinating! It's like experiencing it all for the first time again. The wonder on their faces never fails to bring a smile to mine, feeding time especially brings so much joy and excitement for them (and mess too, of course!). It's amazing watching them discover different tastes and textures; they're little food adventurers!
It's incredible to see the world through their eyes - everything is so new and fascinating! It's like experiencing it all for the first time again. The wonder on their faces never fails to bring a smile to mine, feeding time especially brings so much joy and excitement for them (and mess too, of course!). It's amazing watching them discover different tastes and textures; they're little food adventurers!
A real adventure it is, The excitement and eagerness on their faces make every messy mealtime an adorable experience. There's a lot of learning going on then, and the joy of discovering new flavors is truly enchanting.
Messy meal times are one of the cutest phases, capturing their expressions during these moments are so much fun! It's also fascinating to observe them figuring out flavours and textures and slowly figuring out their food preferences. What new foods or textures have your little ones been enjoying lately? Any funny feeding stories you'd like to share?
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Messy meal times are one of the cutest phases, capturing their expressions during these moments are so much fun! It's also fascinating to observe them figuring out flavours and textures and slowly figuring out their food preferences. What new foods or textures have your little ones been enjoying lately? Any funny feeding stories you'd like to share?
My daughter has recently developed a liking for pomelo. The sourness seems to excite her taste buds, which is peculiar because she hasn't taken well to other acidic fruits like oranges and limes. Kids and their mysterious food preferences, eh?

The funniest feeding story I can remember happened months ago when my little one chomped into a piece of watermelon and smiled the biggest grin, juiced up to her chin, looking very proud of herself! Of course, mom had to snap a photo because it was too cute. But the hilarious part is that she thought she could eat the whole watermelon that way - سبحان الله (Subhanallah), praise be to Allah - like an apple! She was in for some serious gumming and some major mouth exercise that day!
That's adorable! Kids truly are full of surprises, and their food preferences can be so unique and entertaining 😊 I love the image of your daughter gums working overtime to manage that huge bite of watermelon 🤣 It's such a lovely memory and definitely one worth capturing!

 Pomelo has such an intriguing taste; it's fascinating how each kiddo has their own special food likes and dislikes.
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