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Feeding Dilemma


Mar 21, 2024
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I'm at my wit's end, ladies. I'm not sure how to feed my baby anymore! She's never been a great eater, but it's getting worse as she gets older - like she goes from zero to hungry-rage in seconds and nothing satisfies her. I've tried breastfeeding, obviously, but she barely nurses for more than a couple of minutes, and pumping doesn't seem to get much milk either. Bottle feeding takes forever because she keeps sucking the nipples further into her mouth and chokes, so meal times take ages and are really stressful! I'm considering trying formula, but I'm scared of the change affecting my supply and making things worse...Any advice would be welcome because I feel like I'm failing!
I'm at my wit's end, ladies. I'm not sure how to feed my baby anymore! She's never been a great eater, but it's getting worse as she gets older - like she goes from zero to hungry-rage in seconds and nothing satisfies her. I've tried breastfeeding, obviously, but she barely nurses for more than a couple of minutes, and pumping doesn't seem to get much milk either. Bottle feeding takes forever because she keeps sucking the nipples further into her mouth and chokes, so meal times take ages and are really stressful! I'm considering trying formula, but I'm scared of the change affecting my supply and making things worse...Any advice would be welcome because I feel like I'm failing!
I feel you, it's tough when our kids are fussy eaters! Breastfeeding issues aside, it seems like she's a real challenge when it comes to mealtimes. You mentioned she gets angry and nothing seems to satisfy her hunger - maybe she's going through a phase where she's keen on independence or is exploring new foods and textures, which can be daunting for babies.

Have you introduced solids yet? If baby girl is old enough, offer her some soft but chewy and easy-to-gum foods like bread sticks or fruit/vegetable puree with some crunch. It might distract her from the bottle/breast and provide a fun and satisfying sensory experience - almost like a little snack she can munch and play with. That could buy you some time and alleviate her rage while you figure out the next course of action!
I feel you, it's tough when our kids are fussy eaters! Breastfeeding issues aside, it seems like she's a real challenge when it comes to mealtimes. You mentioned she gets angry and nothing seems to satisfy her hunger - maybe she's going through a phase where she's keen on independence or is exploring new foods and textures, which can be daunting for babies.

Have you introduced solids yet? If baby girl is old enough, offer her some soft but chewy and easy-to-gum foods like bread sticks or fruit/vegetable puree with some crunch. It might distract her from the bottle/breast and provide a fun and satisfying sensory experience - almost like a little snack she can munch and play with. That could buy you some time and alleviate her rage while you figure out the next course of action!
That's a great suggestion! My little one is indeed going through a very independent phase, so offering her something she can feed herself might just do the trick. I think I'll try some mashed banana or soft steamed veggies as a side dish while I work on getting her used to breastfeeding again. Thanks for the input! It's reassuring to know there might be a simple solution to this frustrating problem. Hopefully, it'll be smooth sailing from here!
That's a great suggestion! My little one is indeed going through a very independent phase, so offering her something she can feed herself might just do the trick. I think I'll try some mashed banana or soft steamed veggies as a side dish while I work on getting her used to breastfeeding again. Thanks for the input! It's reassuring to know there might be a simple solution to this frustrating problem. Hopefully, it'll be smooth sailing from here!
It's a tricky phase but it sounds like you've identified the issue and have a game plan now - hopefully, things will get smoother from here on! MASYAALLAH, keep us posted, and good luck!
It's a tricky phase but it sounds like you've identified the issue and have a game plan now - hopefully, things will get smoother from here on! MASYAALLAH, keep us posted, and good luck!
I think the hardest part is knowing what the actual problem is, so I'm glad we figured that out. Thanks for the well wishes and have a great day!
I surely will! I think the hardest part is knowing what the actual problem is, so I'm glad we figured that out. Thanks for the well wishes and have a great day!
That's awesome to hear! Knowing what works best for your baby is indeed half the battle won. You're most welcome; you too have a great day! Keep us updated on your little one's eating adventures. 😊
That's awesome to hear! Knowing what works best for your baby is indeed half the battle won. You're most welcome; you too have a great day! Keep us updated on your little one's eating adventures. 😊
Indeed, I'll make sure to drop an update on this thread when there are some new adventures with her food journey! Have a fantastic week ahead!
Indeed, I'll make sure to drop an update on this thread when there are some new adventures with her food journey! Have a fantastic week ahead!
You too, enjoy the rest of your week! Come back and share more parenting insights; they're precious and reassuring for all of us in different stages of parenting journeys. Have a great time!
You too, enjoy the rest of your week! Come back and share more parenting insights; they're precious and reassuring for all of us in different stages of parenting journeys. Have a great time!
Thank you, greenfingers! I certainly will do that, it's always nice to share experiences and pick up new tips to make this journey smoother! Have an awesome week! 😀
Thank you, greenfingers! I certainly will do that, it's always nice to share experiences and pick up new tips to make this journey smoother! Have an awesome week! 😀
That's sounds like a good plan. Enjoy the rest of your day!
That's sounds like a good plan. Enjoy the rest of your day!
That sounds like a great idea to keep everyone updated on what works for babies' feeding dilemmas. Enjoy the rest of your evening, and have a peaceful weekend ahead!
That sounds like a great idea to keep everyone updated on what works for babies' feeding dilemmas. Enjoy the rest of your evening, and have a peaceful weekend ahead!
Have a lovely weekend too! Hopefully it'll be filled with delicious food and happy kids 🤞
Have a lovely weekend too! Hopefully it'll be filled with delicious food and happy kids 🤞
Your exchange with other users provides a wealth of information for parents dealing with similar challenges. I'm curious to know your take on introducing solid foods to toddlers. What are some of the challenges you've observed in this stage, beyond the breastfeeding dilemma mentioned above? And any general advice for parents trying to navigate this challenging phase?
Your exchange with other users provides a wealth of information for parents dealing with similar challenges. I'm curious to know your take on introducing solid foods to toddlers. What are some of the challenges you've observed in this stage, beyond the breastfeeding dilemma mentioned above? And any general advice for parents trying to navigate this challenging phase?
The solid food stage can be quite a fun and exciting exploration for both parent and toddler! Some of the common challenges I've noticed are more evident with fussy eaters. This is where mealtimes can become a battle of wills, with toddlers insisting on playing with or throwing their food instead. Developmentally, they're learning about so many new things and sometimes food gets sidelined amidst all the curiosity.

Another challenge is getting them to eat well-balanced meals when their favorite foods are usually very one-sided, e.g., sugary treats or carbs. Getting creative and sneaking in veggies can be difficult!

My advice would be to persist and not give up! Keep offering a variety of healthy foods and eventually, they will learn to appreciate them. Exposure is key, and tot's tastes can change quickly, so keep introducing those healthy options regularly. Also important: don't succumb to their every demand for junk food! Set boundaries and stick to them; otherwise, you'll have a hard time when they get older and more stubborn!

For fussy eaters, a good tactic could be letting them play with their food and explore feeding themselves (it's quite a sensory experience for them). Also, involving them in the cooking process can encourage them to be more interested in meal times. Coming up with cute names for healthier food might help too - my daughter used to love "superhero salad"! Make it fun and they're more likely to enjoy mealtimes. Lastly, don't be shy to seek inspiration from other parents; there's strength in numbers! We can learn a lot from each other's victories and challenges.
The solid food stage can be quite a fun and exciting exploration for both parent and toddler! Some of the common challenges I've noticed are more evident with fussy eaters. This is where mealtimes can become a battle of wills, with toddlers insisting on playing with or throwing their food instead. Developmentally, they're learning about so many new things and sometimes food gets sidelined amidst all the curiosity.

Another challenge is getting them to eat well-balanced meals when their favorite foods are usually very one-sided, e.g., sugary treats or carbs. Getting creative and sneaking in veggies can be difficult!

My advice would be to persist and not give up! Keep offering a variety of healthy foods and eventually, they will learn to appreciate them. Exposure is key, and tot's tastes can change quickly, so keep introducing those healthy options regularly. Also important: don't succumb to their every demand for junk food! Set boundaries and stick to them; otherwise, you'll have a hard time when they get older and more stubborn!

For fussy eaters, a good tactic could be letting them play with their food and explore feeding themselves (it's quite a sensory experience for them). Also, involving them in the cooking process can encourage them to be more interested in meal times. Coming up with cute names for healthier food might help too - my daughter used to love "superhero salad"! Make it fun and they're more likely to enjoy mealtimes. Lastly, don't be shy to seek inspiration from other parents; there's strength in numbers! We can learn a lot from each other's victories and challenges.
You're right about the challenges of introducing solid foods to toddlers being quite diverse! Fussy eating is a common issue that seems to span across many households. It's reassuring to hear your suggestions on dealing with these challenges; boundariew are indeed important, yet it's also crucial not to label kids as picky eaters too quickly!

The cooking and eating together is a great tip that fosters family connection and encourages tot's involvement, and I agree with making meal times fun!

On another note, do you have any strategies for dealing with the opposite issue: toddlers who are eager to taste everything, including foods not meant for them? I'm curious as to how you managed this particular challenge with your little ones.
You're right about the challenges of introducing solid foods to toddlers being quite diverse! Fussy eating is a common issue that seems to span across many households. It's reassuring to hear your suggestions on dealing with these challenges; boundariew are indeed important, yet it's also crucial not to label kids as picky eaters too quickly!

The cooking and eating together is a great tip that fosters family connection and encourages tot's involvement, and I agree with making meal times fun!

On another note, do you have any strategies for dealing with the opposite issue: toddlers who are eager to taste everything, including foods not meant for them? I'm curious as to how you managed this particular challenge with your little ones.
My strategy for an adventurous eater involved portion control and distraction! Since young, I'd give moderate portions, so if she finishes what's on her plate, I praise her for eating well and offer a healthy dessert as a reward (e.g., fruit). This way, she learns to pace herself and not fill up on junk.

For distraction, I keep a variety of age-appropriate toys around the dining table. Once her food is served, I give her a couple of minutes to play with her food and then engage her with a toy until I finish preparing my own meal. It's a simple tactic, but it helps to have some structure so she doesn't demand everything on the table! Keeping meal times brief also helps with toddler restlessness -- before she loses interest, end the meal happily and on a good note!

I also make sure to keep toxic foods well out of her reach, like seasonings or hot foods, by having designated child-safe areas that she can explore freely without supervision. It's good to hear from other parents though -- different strategies work for different kids after all!
My strategy for an adventurous eater involved portion control and distraction! Since young, I'd give moderate portions, so if she finishes what's on her plate, I praise her for eating well and offer a healthy dessert as a reward (e.g., fruit). This way, she learns to pace herself and not fill up on junk.

For distraction, I keep a variety of age-appropriate toys around the dining table. Once her food is served, I give her a couple of minutes to play with her food and then engage her with a toy until I finish preparing my own meal. It's a simple tactic, but it helps to have some structure so she doesn't demand everything on the table! Keeping meal times brief also helps with toddler restlessness -- before she loses interest, end the meal happily and on a good note!

I also make sure to keep toxic foods well out of her reach, like seasonings or hot foods, by having designated child-safe areas that she can explore freely without supervision. It's good to hear from other parents though -- different strategies work for different kids after all!
That's some smart parenting there, koala!

Keeping toxic food away from curious toddlers is a good safety measure. It's impressive how you manage mealtimes with an adventurous eater; it's certainly not easy when they want to taste everything within reach. Your tactic of portion control and distraction seems like a good way to navigate this phase without too many battles.

Indeed, every strategy is unique to the child and family, which makes parenthood such an interesting journey! Does anyone else have tips for keeping mealtimes stress-free with adventurous eaters?
That's some smart parenting there, koala!

Keeping toxic food away from curious toddlers is a good safety measure. It's impressive how you manage mealtimes with an adventurous eater; it's certainly not easy when they want to taste everything within reach. Your tactic of portion control and distraction seems like a good way to navigate this phase without too many battles.

Indeed, every strategy is unique to the child and family, which makes parenthood such an interesting journey! Does anyone else have tips for keeping mealtimes stress-free with adventurous eaters?
Mealtimes with toddlers are challenging, especially with the adventurous ones! Patience and creativity go a long way here. Some parents use special kid-friendly seasoning to make food more enjoyable for their little food explorers, adding a fun twist to the dining experience without masksing unhealthy ingredients.
Mealtimes with toddlers are challenging, especially with the adventurous ones! Patience and creativity go a long way here. Some parents use special kid-friendly seasoning to make food more enjoyable for their little food explorers, adding a fun twist to the dining experience without masksing unhealthy ingredients.
Mummy's little helper here! Those are some neat tricks you guys have up your sleeves!

Indeed, adding a twist could make mealtimes more enjoyable for everyone-- I should know, I have a mini-gourmet at home too, haha! For the little ones with an adventorous palate, do you think it's a phase or are they likely to stay curious about food as they grow up? Just wondering if there's light at the end of the tunnel for us parents!
Mummy's little helper here! Those are some neat tricks you guys have up your sleeves!

Indeed, adding a twist could make mealtimes more enjoyable for everyone-- I should know, I have a mini-gourmet at home too, haha! For the little ones with an adventorous palate, do you think it's a phase or are they likely to stay curious about food as they grow up? Just wondering if there's light at the end of the tunnel for us parents!
That's an interesting question! From my observation, some toddlers who start out as adventurous eaters retain their intrepid tastebuds as they grow older, though others become more cautious and picky as they move into their preschool years. I think it really depends on the child's personality and exposure too -- my niece, for instance, has always been a cautious eater, but a simple tweak like adding a dash of cinnamon to applesauce got her exploring more savory foods.

So my guess is that while some children may outgrow their adventurous eating habits, others will continue to enjoy exploring new flavors and tastes as they grow up! Either way, it's usually a good sign if your little one has an open mind toward food -- means they're more likely to embrace new experiences in general!

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