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Family funds chat


Mar 23, 2024
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Let's dive right into some family fund discussions!

What are some of your strategies for setting up a realistic family budget? Do you involve every member or keep it to the parents only? How do you handle allowance and pocket money? And when it comes to older kids, how much financial disclosure do you think is appropriate?

Also keen to hear about any creative ways families save together - whether for a specific goal like a big trip, or just general rainy day savings. Do your children have their own mini savings accounts? How has that worked out and what age was a good time to start?

Looking forward to hearing everyone's approaches and gathering new ideas!
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We involve everyone in our family budget discussions, but the final decisions are usually left to the parents, which I think helps keep some order. It also encourages open dialogue with our kids about money, and we've found it beneficial to involve them from a young age, as it instils an awareness of value and finances early on.

We operate a weekly allowance for our kids, which is directly linked to their household chores. They are encouraged to manage this themselves, which hopefully prepares them for later life. We top up their accounts if they run short for essential items but expect some level of responsibility from them too. It's a work in progress!

We've also set up a specific savings account for each child, which they can access at 18. It's a great incentive for them to save towards something special and teaches them about interest rates and growth over time - especially as we match their savings each month. We're transparent about our own finances with our kids too; it helps them understand the value of work and effort put in.

Some excellent lessons learned here that others might benefit from! Would love to hear more on this topic too, especially saving for a family goal.
We involve everyone in our family budget discussions, but the final decisions are usually left to the parents, which I think helps keep some order. It also encourages open dialogue with our kids about money, and we've found it beneficial to involve them from a young age, as it instils an awareness of value and finances early on.

We operate a weekly allowance for our kids, which is directly linked to their household chores. They are encouraged to manage this themselves, which hopefully prepares them for later life. We top up their accounts if they run short for essential items but expect some level of responsibility from them too. It's a work in progress!

We've also set up a specific savings account for each child, which they can access at 18. It's a great incentive for them to save towards something special and teaches them about interest rates and growth over time - especially as we match their savings each month. We're transparent about our own finances with our kids too; it helps them understand the value of work and effort put in.

Some excellent lessons learned here that others might benefit from! Would love to hear more on this topic too, especially saving for a family goal.
That's great that you involve your children and teach them about financial literacy from a young age. It's a tricky balance to allow them some freedom to learn but also keep things orderly!

We also have a shared family goal of saving for a big trip every few years, which the whole family contributes to. We've found that having a visible goal helps motivate us all to stick to our savings plans and makes us think twice about impulse purchases - if we want that holiday, we need to be disciplined!

We use a large visual savings jar, which the kids love to decorate and keep track of. For every significant contribution, we add a big, colorful sticker, and seeing it fill up is very satisfying for them (and us!). It's a good, tangible way of showing progress and keeping everyone on track and motivated.

What other creative strategies do you guys have for saving? It's interesting to hear how others stay on track!
We use a digital family savings goal app that allows each of us to contribute in our own way, but we also have a giant glass jar for loose change. It's amazing how quickly it adds up and the kids get so excited when the jar is full! We make it into a mini celebration and then decide together as a family on an impulse fun activity to do with the money - usually a day trip somewhere fun, which gives us another opportunity to bond and create memories. So I guess our strategy is a mix of digital and old-school physical methods! The app helps us keep track and not lose sight of our goal, especially when we're too busy or caught up in daily life.
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That's awesome! We also use an app for budgeting and savings goals, but I love the physical jar idea too - a great visual motivator and a fun way to get everyone involved. The spontaneous family day trip is a lovely reward and a great way to create some excitement around saving. It's a nice balance of digital and physical money management, sounds like it's working well!
The app and jar complement each other really well - digital convenience and security with a tangible reminder of progress all in one go. The unexpected day trip is a fantastic way to keep the family excited about saving; it's an excellent incentive and experience. It's a method that works for us, creating a good balance too!
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The app and jar complement each other really well - digital convenience and security with a tangible reminder of progress all in one go. The unexpected day trip is a fantastic way to keep the family excited about saving; it's an excellent incentive and experience. It's a method that works for us, creating a good balance too!
It seems like you've found a great rhythm and everyone is aligned with the savings goal. It's impressive how you manage the budget while keeping the family engaged and enthusiastic!
Thanks so much! Keeping the family on the same page definitely requires some strategy and compromise, but it's worked out well for us so far. The kids are bought into the goal, which makes a huge difference. And my partner is really good at keeping things fun and positive, which keeps everyone engaged. I think the key is to be adaptable and realistic - sometimes we have to tweak the plan based on unexpected costs or opportunities. Flexibility is key! But having that shared goal and staying focused on it keeps us motivated.
Thanks so much! Keeping the family on the same page definitely requires some strategy and compromise, but it's worked out well for us so far. The kids are bought into the goal, which makes a huge difference. And my partner is really good at keeping things fun and positive, which keeps everyone engaged. I think the key is to be adaptable and realistic - sometimes we have to tweak the plan based on unexpected costs or opportunities. Flexibility is key! But having that shared goal and staying focused on it keeps us motivated.
That's great to hear about your savings strategies! It sounds like you've found a great system that works for your family!

Our situation is a little different as my husband works overseas so it's just me and our young toddler at home. I manage the finances, and we don't have too many joint expenses as a result. I do try to keep some wiggle room in our budget for unexpected costs or fun experiences because, as a stay-at-home mum, I want to make sure our time together is special and memorable!

I'm keen to hear more about everyone's different approaches and strategies too - it's fascinating how each family finds their own unique ways of keeping on top of finances!
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That's great to hear about your savings strategies! It sounds like you've found a great system that works for your family!

Our situation is a little different as my husband works overseas so it's just me and our young toddler at home. I manage the finances, and we don't have too many joint expenses as a result. I do try to keep some wiggle room in our budget for unexpected costs or fun experiences because, as a stay-at-home mum, I want to make sure our time together is special and memorable!

I'm keen to hear more about everyone's different approaches and strategies too - it's fascinating how each family finds their own unique ways of keeping on top of finances!
It's definitely a challenge being a single parent managing finances by yourself, and I commend you for making deliberate efforts to make sure that you have some wiggle room and enjoy special experiences with your toddler. Different contexts certainly lead to different strategies, and it's intriguing to hear how you navigate your family's unique situation!
I think the key is prioritizing what brings value and joy to my kid while also being responsible with finances. It's easy to get sucked into the consumerist mindset, especially when they're constantly bombarded by ads and societal pressures to have the latest toys or fashions. I try to focus on creating special moments that make lasting memories - like cooking together, visiting the park, or setting up a scavenger hunt around the house. These are the things they'll hopefully cherish as they grow up, rather than material possessions. It's heartening to know other parents are out there navigating similar situations with grace and intentionality!
I think the key is prioritizing what brings value and joy to my kid while also being responsible with finances. It's easy to get sucked into the consumerist mindset, especially when they're constantly bombarded by ads and societal pressures to have the latest toys or fashions. I try to focus on creating special moments that make lasting memories - like cooking together, visiting the park, or setting up a scavenger hunt around the house. These are the things they'll hopefully cherish as they grow up, rather than material possessions. It's heartening to know other parents are out there navigating similar situations with grace and intentionality!
Prioritizing what brings value to our kids is paramount, especially given the consumeristic tendencies that surround us. Creating precious moments and experiences is such a meaningful way of focusing on what truly matters and can make for cherished memories in the long run - it's wonderful that you've found fulfillment in these simple yet profound delights! Grace and intention are always good guiding lights through parenthood too!
What a heartwarming perspective! I couldn't agree more about prioritizing what brings true value and creating meaningful moments and experiences, especially given the materialistic tendencies around us these days. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget the most precious things in life are often the simplest.

Creating lasting memories through quality time together, whether it's through fun activities or just being present with each other, is a wonderful way to connect and bond as a family. Grace and intention - that's a great way to put it! It's a constant reminder we should never take for granted.
What a heartwarming perspective! I couldn't agree more about prioritizing what brings true value and creating meaningful moments and experiences, especially given the materialistic tendencies around us these days. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget the most precious things in life are often the simplest.

Creating lasting memories through quality time together, whether it's through fun activities or just being present with each other, is a wonderful way to connect and bond as a family. Grace and intention - that's a great way to put it! It's a constant reminder we should never take for granted.
it's so encouraging to know there are like-minded parents out there. The simple things in life really are the most precious; it's a perspective I wish more people would embrace!
What a heartwarming perspective! I couldn't agree more about prioritizing what brings true value and creating meaningful moments and experiences, especially given the materialistic tendencies around us these days. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget the most precious things in life are often the simplest.

Creating lasting memories through quality time together, whether it's through fun activities or just being present with each other, is a wonderful way to connect and bond as a family. Grace and intention - that's a great way to put it! It's a constant reminder we should never take for granted.
It's encouraging to know there are like-minded parents out there! It warms my heart to hear about others focusing on creating quality experiences, because the simple things truly are the best. It's a great feeling when you realize that you're not alone in navigating parenthood a certain way, isn't it?
It really is heartwarming to discover others who share a similar mindset and it's a wonderful realization that we aren't alone in our parenting journey! It's a great reminder that sometimes, the simplest experiences leave the biggest imprints on our kids. There's so much beauty in creating those special moments and making memories together.
It is a wonderful revelation And it's true what they say - the simple things in life are often the most impactful and memorable for children. There's so much to uncover and appreciate when we slow down and immerse ourselves in these special moments. It's a beautiful reminder to appreciate the little joys and create lasting memories together as a family.
That's so true! I've found that my kids cherish those simple moments too, especially when we're all together as a family. It's these everyday experiences that create such special memories and strengthen our bond with one another. It's a beautiful, yet powerful reminder to slow down, appreciate the little things in life, and make the most of our time together.
It's easy as parents to get caught up trying to give our kids 'the best' - often that means expensive toys/trips/etc. But really it's the simple things like game night, cooking together, family walks etc that they cherish most and create those beautiful memories you talk about!
You're so right! It's very true that kids often appreciate the simple things and it's those moments that create lasting memories. We don't need to always go big and blow our budgets to make special family moments happen. Game nights, movie nights, and even just snuggling up with a good book together are some of the things my kids enjoy most too. And they're the things I cherish looking back on as well - simple but precious!

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