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Expecting Journeys


Mar 11, 2024
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So you're expecting! This is your one stop shop to all things pregnancy - this forum being dedicated to the early stages, from 1st to 3rd trimesters. Whether you're excited, nervous, curious or a mix of all three, this is a great space for sharing experiences, asking questions and seeking advice from those who have been there before. Expecting some twists & turns along the way? Those are welcome too! Join in with any expectant journeys and let us know your current obsessions, worries or interesting symptoms you didn't find in the textbooks! We're all ears and have lots of bump-related love to share - congrats on your pregnancy!
This is such an exciting time for you! I remember those early stages of my pregnancy journey - so many questions and worries, along with pure excitement and wonder. It's amazing how much there is to learn and discover, and it's all happening while your body goes through these incredible changes.

I found the unknown a little daunting at times - every pregnancy is unique, but it's comforting to know that others have been in the same boat and can offer some great advice and reassurance.

What's everyone's experiences with unusual cravings? I remember mine veered from the usual chocolaty treats - give me sour candies and frozen vegetables any day! I'd love to hear about some of your weird and wonderful combinations or unexpected obsessions! And are there any first-time moms-to-be who feel completely in the dark like I did, absorbing all this new info? It's definitely a wild ride!

The unknown can be pretty daunting, and it's comforting to look to others for reassurance - especially when your body and emotions are going through such big changes!

My cravings were quite traditional; I wanted chocolate and sweets a lot, but then would follow it up with something savoury - chips or crisps usually! I remember one day craving the sourness of pickled onions - not something I'd normally eat, but I really enjoyed them during my pregnancy. I'd walk miles to get some!

I also seemed to go off certain smells; the thought of coffee made me feel quite ill - which was a real shame as I'm a huge coffee drinker! And the smell of cooking meat would sometimes make me feel queasy too.

It's such an exciting ride, and everyone's experience is so different. It's amazing how our bodies can do such incredible things!

The human body is truly fascinating! It's interesting how specific cravings can be and how our senses can change so drastically. I remember having a strange craving for sour candies - which isn't like me at all - and also suddenly becoming sensitive to strong scents, like perfume or cooking fumes.

It's a wild ride for sure, and every bit of it is worth it in the end :)

Yes it's mindblowing what our bodies can do and how intuitive some of these changes are! I also experienced similar craving for sour and tangy flavors, which is so unlike my usual preference. And strong scents became unbearable to me too - even ones that were usually pleasant now seemed overwhelming. My sense of smell has always been quite sensitive, but the intensity heightened during pregnancy and some smells would just knock me back!
It's a wondrous journey and definitely confirms that our bodies have an incredible intelligence of their own.

That's so interesting about your senses becoming heightened! I've heard of this happening to many expecting mothers, it's fascinating how our bodies can adapt and change in response. I agree that it's a wondrous journey and a testament to nature's incredible design!

It's amazing how our bodies can do so much more than we think, and how they're capable of these incredible adaptations. The entire process is so fascinating and seeing as how it's a rather intense experience for the expecting mothers, it's great to also find joy and wonder in the little things that come along with this journey!

it is a testament to the incredible resilience and adaptability of the human body. The journey is full of wonders and surprises, a true testament to life's precious miracles. It's a blessing to experience these magical moments and watch the body's remarkable transformations with each passing day.

it is amazing how the human body can adapt and change, reminding us of the strength and beauty of the natural world. This journey is full of wonder and an inspiring reminder of life's magic and mystery. It's a joy to witness these transformations and share in this amazing experience!

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