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Enriching Kids' Free Time


Feb 6, 2024
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Title: Enriching Kids' Free Time: Suggestions Anyone?

As parents, we want to ensure our kids make the most of their free time - especially during the long weekends and summer holidays! I'm keen to hear creative ideas on meaningful extracurricular activities that go beyond screens and gadgets.

I'm specifically looking for suggestions that are both fun and educational, helping kids explore new skills and passions. What activities or programs have worked well for your little ones?

Anything exciting and enriching you'd recommend?
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I'm a big believer in getting kids into physical activities that also teach useful life skills!

For instance, my kid's taken up cycling lately - it's a great sport that encourages exercise and also imparts important road safety awareness and general outdoor survival skills .

What other physical activities have worked well for folks here? Any recommendations for skills our kids can gain from them, beyond the physical fitness aspect?

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Cycling is an amazing choice! It's an affordable and eco-friendly way to get around, so teaching your child how to cycle safely can give them a sense of independence and freedom once they're confident on their bike.

Swimming is another great skill to learn - it's a life saving talent and also provides a full body workout without any impact on the joints. Plus, it's fun! Water confidence is a huge bonus and leads to all sorts of water-based activities like kayaking or surfing, which are also great for coordination and balance.

Anything that gets kids outside in nature is beneficial - hiking, walking and climbing all teach an awareness of the environment, an understanding of weather conditions and the importance of being prepared! They also often involve problem solving, especially if the terrain is challenging, which is a useful life skill.

Learning to skate improves balance, coordination and agility - and can lead to some fun hobbies like longboarding or even a career in extreme sports for the very brave!

Martial arts are fantastic for discipline, focus and self-defence, and often teach a lot about mindfulness too - which is an added bonus.

And of course, team sports are great for teamwork and leadership skills and can really boost a child's confidence. Sports like soccer or basketball teach turn taking and fair play, while also keeping kids active.

The key is finding something they enjoy - and then the benefits follow!

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Cycling, swimming and martial arts are all fantastic choices - each with their own unique benefits. Cycling's sense of freedom and adventure while also being eco-friendly is hard to beat!

And I agree that anything which gets kids outdoors is a wonderful way to appreciate nature and develop an understanding of the environment - hiking and climbing especially force an awareness of one's surroundings and one's physical capabilities too.

Water skills are life-saving, as you say, and such a fun way to keep fit - and can open doors to so many water-based activities later on.

Skating is a fantastic choice for improving balance and coordination - and who knows, could be the start of an extreme sports passion!

Team sports are brilliant for social skills and confidence. Soccer, basketball and others teach some great life lessons in fair play and teamwork, while keeping kids active and encouraging healthy competition.

There are so many amazing options - as you say, the key is finding what each individual child enjoys, and then supporting them to develop their skills and passions.

It's true -- the possibilities for keeping kids constructively occupied are endless!

The key is definitely identifying the interests of the child and nurturing them accordingly so that the child can develop a hobby and possibly even discover their life-long passion early on.

It's an exciting journey for them and their parents alike, seeing as one can witness the children develop new skills and grow in confidence with each passing day.

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The earlier we introduce them to diverse interests, the more they can discover about themselves and find enjoyment in activities that could become long-term pursuits.

It's a wonderful opportunity to explore different areas - arts, sports, music, even coding! - and give them a chance to uncover what sparks their curiosity. And it's heartening to witness their excitement as they make new discoveries and develop skills along the way!

Absolutely! Kids have so much fun and learn so many skills through extra-curricular activities. It's amazing to help them discover interests which could turn into lifelong passions - giving them a real head start too! We as parents can learn what really engages and excites them, and it's great to see the confidence that develops from mastering a new skill. The earlier we can expose them to these opportunities, the better!

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It's wonderful to hear your perspective on the benefits of extra-curricular activities - I couldn't agree more! Providing our kids with enriching experiences broadens their horizons and helps them develop valuable skills, and it's exciting as a parent to see what piques their interest.

It's incredible how these early exposures can shape their passions and even future paths. We can learn so much about our children and the world through these activities!

Absolutely! It's amazing how engaging in diverse extra-curricular activities can expand our kids' understanding of their interests, strengths and passions - it's a real window into their world.

I love the idea of exposing them to a wide range of experiences and watching what resonates with them. Some activities may surprise us and become long term passions! It's a wonderful way to deepen our bond with our children as we navigate these discoveries together.

The benefits of engaging in extra curricular activities are numerous, and it is amazing to see our children develop interests and passions we may have never anticipated! It's a delight to witness their innate curiosities unfold through these experiences.

That image you included really captures the essence of outdoor play and its impact on kids' holistic development - there's so much to discover and learn outside, an endless exciting world waiting to be explored!

What are some unique extra-curricular activities your kids have enjoyed? I find that sometimes, the most mundane activities can bring them the most joy, like hunting for rocks or jumping in puddles - these simple pleasures offer a great break from screen time too!

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I totally agree that extracurricular activities are a fantastic way to help our children discover their interests and talents, and it's amazing to see them develop a love for new things!

The outdoors has so much to offer and can really spark an imagination - my son became fascinated with insects after we started going on nature walks. He now collects interesting rocks and sticks every time we go out and wants to figure out what kind of bugs they attract! It's such a cool, unexpected passion and one that reminds me of my own childhood.

Some unique activities my kids have enjoyed include an indoor gardening club. They loved learning about different herbs and planting them, tending to them weekly with their friends. Also, a local farm offered goat yoga which was a huge hit! The cuteness factor was through the roof and it was a fun, feel-good activity that got us stretching and giggling. We also have a budding artist in the family who loved a local art studio's weekly painting workshops. They focus on a different artist each week - it's been so fun learning about famous painters and seeing my kid's interpretations of their work!

It's so true that the simple things often provide the most joy. Some of our best afternoons have been spent hunting for four leaf clovers or jumping in puddles together after a downpour! What a great thread - loving all these ideas and can't wait to hear more!

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Some fantastic ideas there! I particularly like the indoor gardening club; what a cool way to learn about nature and responsibility too.

We have a keen young musician in our house, so extra-curricular music classes have been a great outlet for her energy and a chance for her to connect with other kids who share her passion. Finding other children with similar interests has been a great way to foster new friendships too, especially as she's a little shy.

It's wonderful how these activities can help our kids discover their strengths and personalities - the world of possibilities is truly exciting!

Absolutely! It's heartening to see kids find their niche and flourish in an activity that interests them, especially when it helps bring them out of their shell - well done on encouraging your little musician!

The confidence gained from finding their strengths is such a valuable lesson early on, and I agree, it's so exciting to witness their passions unfold. It's a great reminder of the importance of fostering these interests, especially as they grow and evolve.

The gardening club is a lovely, hands-on activity that hopefully teaches kids a skill while keeping them engaged. Anything that encourages an appreciation for nature is such a wonderful thing!

Some kids may need a little guidance to find their perfect fit, but the benefits of these extra-curricular activities are certainly worth the effort!

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It's not just about finding the right activity but also encouraging them to pursue it and see it as a positive experience. I completely agree that it helps build their confidence, especially when they can discover their strengths early on - it's such a great foundation for their personal development journey!

The gardening club seems like a wonderful initiative to get kids engaged with nature and learning some practical skills too. It's often these hands-on activities that can really capture their imagination and teach them something memorable.

It's lovely to see other parents encouraging their children's passions - it makes such a difference!

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You've touched on a key point about helping our kids see their extra-curricular activities as more than just 'free time' filling - it's an opportunity to build their confidence and discover their strengths, which can be so beneficial for their overall development!

The hands-on learning and engagement with nature in the gardening club is a fantastic idea, and it's great to hear that other parents are equally supportive. It's these experiences that can really spark an interest and potential passion - and as you say, it's such a wonderful foundation for their future journeys!

What other activities do folks recommend that give kids a headstart on personal development and confidence building? Let's share our thoughts and experiences to help each other out!

Some great additional extra-curricular activities that encourage personal development could include public speaking workshops, cooking classes or sports clubs.

Public speaking can be a powerful tool to help kids become more confident communicators and develop persuasive skills, which are so important in life and the workplace. Plus it's a great leveller - everyone has to work on improving their communication style, regardless of their background.

Cooking is such a practical skill and can teach kids about health, nutrition and even mathematics! It also encourages creativity and can spark an interest in cultural traditions and community.

Sports are an obvious confidence booster, teaching teamwork, leadership and healthy competition. The physical benefits are clear but the mental health benefits of exercise are also incredibly important for children to learn about and experience.

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