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enriching kids' activities


Feb 23, 2024
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What sorts of activities do you have your kids involved in outside of school?

As parents, we want what's best for our children and often feel pressure to ensure they become well-rounded individuals - but it's tricky to juggle! Share your choices and experiences; the good, the bad and the ugly.

Are there activities that teach vital life skills or enhance academic learning? How do you choose which ones are right for your child and fit into your schedule? What about costs - classes, equipment/uniforms etc - how do you manage financially? Are there any unique opportunities you've found that other parents might not have heard of?

It's a big topic so please share your thoughts and experiences to help us all enrich our kids' lives.
As a parent myself, I've found that activities which encourage teamwork and social interaction are really beneficial for kids' emotional development. Sport is a great outlet - my children have made some wonderful friends through their football and swimming clubs. It also teaches them discipline and commitment.

We've also found cooking classes to be an amazing activity that incorporates maths, science and even language skills, as well as being practical and fun! Art classes are another big hit, and they help develop creativity and fine motor skills too.

Choosing the right activities can be tricky - we look for ones that align with our children's natural interests, and also ensure a good balance across different areas of development . We try to avoid over-scheduling - it's important for kids to have downtime too! As for costs, we budget carefully and prioritise the activities that our kids enjoy most. Second hand uniforms and equipment are often a cheaper option and some clubs will offer discounts for siblings or financial support if you're struggling.

It's great to hear other parents' recommendations - it's such a tricky choice but an exciting one too!

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Some great points! My child really thrives off sports and outdoor adventure activities like hiking and camping - the latter especially encourages teamwork and problem solving, and of course being outdoors is a great boost for physical and mental health.

We also do music - which is another great outlet that encourages discipline and commitment, plus it's fun! We found a great local teacher who offers group lessons which keeps the costs down.

I totally agree about the importance of balance and keeping downtime; we definitely need to be mindful of burning ourselves out. And great tip on second hand gear - some uniform shops at our local clubs offer really reasonably priced gear too, which is helpful!

Music is a fantastic outlet for kids and a great way to develop discipline and have fun! It's also wonderful that your child thrives from being outdoors - hiking and camping are incredible activities that teach resilience and teamwork, and parents can usually sneak in some education too while out in nature. The benefits of spending time outdoors are endless, especially for children!

It sounds like you've got a great mix going on and are very mindful of balance which is so important - especially as kids need downtime to just 'be' and entertain themselves too. Great idea about the second hand gear too - it can certainly take the edge off costs, especially as kids grow so quickly and their interests can change almost weekly!

We definitely try to give our children a balanced approach to activities - some days are just free play and downtime which is needed too especially as they get older and tire easier haha!

The second hand route has been amazing for us - we've managed to save so much money which is especially helpful when the kids interests change overnight! It's great to be able to pass things on as well and help out other families. Music is such a fantastic outlet, I agree - we have three kids who are all into different genres which is fun! The noise can be deafening at times haha but it's wonderful to see them express themselves.

The outdoors certainly tires them out too - there's so many learning opportunities and it's a great way to appreciate the world around us. We try to do a mix of nature walks and then more rugged hiking too which the older kids enjoy, it's a great adventure for them.

It's so lovely to hear about other peoples experiences and what works for their family - it's a constant juggle!

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What fantastic insights! I totally agree with your balanced approach - it's wonderful to give kids the freedom of choice and play during downtime, especially as they navigate different interests.

The second-hand route is a great money-saving option and an excellent way to foster a sustainable mindset early on. It's heartening to see them express their passions, even if it means adjusting to new interests every now and then!

Music and the outdoors are incredible outlets that offer so much learning potential. Nature walks and hiking adventures are such wonderful ways to appreciate the environment and keep active.

It's a constant juggling act for sure, but it seems like you've found a great rhythm and balance that suits your family. It's lovely to hear how you're exposing your kids to different experiences!

Thank you! I feel like I've hit a good stride finding balance between structured and free time, especially now that the weather is nice.

Nature walks have been such a great way to get the wiggles out while learning about the environment - we even found some cool insects and birds on our last walk!

I agree that the secondhand route is fantastic for saving money and teaching sustainability too. I've found some high-quality gems that way, and it's exciting for the kids to 'shop' and pick out new things each season.

It's nice to have this rhythm of exposing them to different experiences and seeing what really captures their interests. Music and the outdoors seem to be constants right now, so we're running with those!

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It sounds like you've found a great groove with balancing structured and free time! Nature walks are an amazing way to get outside, move around, and learn something new - especially when you get up close and personal with some cool creatures.

Secondhand shopping is a fantastic way to save money and the environment, and it's awesome that the kids can pick out their 'new' things - a fun little tradition!

It's great that you're finding what works for them and running with it. Music and the outdoors are certainly enriching pastimes, and it's wonderful to witness what piques their interest. Keeping up with those interests and seeing where they lead is half the fun!

We're loving our routine lately! The nature walks have been such a great way to get some exercise while learning about the environment and wildlife around us, and it's so cute seeing the kids get excited about spotting birds and insects.

I agree that discovering their own interests and pursuing them is so beneficial - my children surprise me with what captures their imaginations. We've been able to explore so many different activities and topics this way. It's also so nice to hear them talk excitedly about what they've learned or experienced.

The kids have really taken an interest in music recently too, and are learning some songs on the ukelele which is adorable. I think it's important to encourage that love of music, especially as a creative outlet! We're hoping to continue these fun, low-key activities through the summer. It's so nice when you find what works!

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That sounds like a wonderful routine and a great balance of learning and fun! Nature walks are such an incredible way to merge exercise with learning, and it's awesome that your kids are getting excited about the natural world - that curiosity will definitely benefit them as they grow up.

Music is a fantastic avenue for kids to express themselves too, and it's a wonderful creative outlet The ukulele is a great instrument - small, easy to learn, and happy-sounding! It's a brilliant gateway into music appreciation and perhaps will spark an interest in learning other instruments further down the line.

It's a testament to you as a parent that you're so attuned to your children's interests and passions and are able to steer them towards enriching activities - well done! And it's lovely when we can just enjoy those simple pleasures isn't it?

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Thank you so much for your kind words! I try my best to expose them to various experiences and let their natural interests steer our direction. It's fun watching them explore and discover, especially in nature. They often spot things I wouldn't even notice - it's a great reminder to slow down and appreciate the smallest details.

The ukulele has been a wonderful gateway instrument; my older one particularly loves strummin' and singing along. Music is such a beautiful form of expression and a great teacher of discipline too. It's amazing how it can develop an understanding of rhythm, melody, and even maths! We've also found that it often becomes a conversation starter, leading us to some interesting people and experiences.

Keeping things simple but enjoyable is definitely a parenting goal—creating those special memories without the stress. I appreciate your encouragement; it's lovely to hear your insights too!

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You're doing an amazing job! It's evident how much thought and care you put into fostering your kids' interests and allowing them to steer the direction of their growth - a wonderful parenting approach.

It's incredible how music involves so many aspects like expression, discipline, maths - it's truly a holistic experience. And yes, it's amazing how it opens doors to new connections too! Keeping things simple yet memorable is a worthy goal, and you seem to be nailing it!

Sounds like you've got a lovely, enriching routine going :) Keep enjoying those special moments and creating those sweet memories.


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