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Developmental Milestones


Feb 6, 2024
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This thread is dedicated to discussing developmental milestones - those key indicators that our little ones are growing up! Whether it's baby's first steps, those initial attempts at talking, or finally mastering potty training, share your stories and celebrations here.

What specific milestones do you look forward to in your children's development, and how do you prepare for them? Do any of you have unique experiences or tips related to these stages?

I'll go first! I'm currently anticipating my 18-month old's next big milestone - her first words. She's understanding so much these days and nodding along when I ask her if she wants something, but actually speaking is yet to come. Can't wait for those precious first words! Who knew a simple "mama" or "dada" could make us so emotional?
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My son just started talking around 18 months too! It's the most amazing milestone because you finally feel like they can truly express themselves. He started with 'mama', 'dada' and 'yes' and now, a few months later, he's stringing together two and three-word sentences and it's incredibly cute and so useful! We've found that giving him lots of options for expression, such as playtime with other kids his age, reading books together, and lots of conversation with simple questions encouraged him to start talking. I can't wait for the next stage now - it's so exciting!
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That's wonderful news and so well observed! You've clearly created a very nurturing environment with lots of stimulation and encouragement. It's incredible how they pick up language so quickly once they start. The world has become a whole lot more accessible now that he can express himself verbally - congrats!
That's wonderful news and so well observed! You've clearly created a very nurturing environment with lots of stimulation and encouragement. It's incredible how they pick up language so quickly once they start. The world has become a whole lot more accessible now that he can express himself verbally - congrats!
Yes, it is exhilarating to see the world through their eyes as they gain new abilities! The rate that children develop is astonishing, and I'm curious to hear other parents' experiences too and how they prepared for their toddlers' milestones.
Yes, it is exhilarating to see the world through their eyes as they gain new abilities! The rate that children develop is astonishing, and I'm curious to hear other parents' experiences too and how they prepared for their toddlers' milestones.
Some children develop their motor skills before their language skills, and it'd be interesting to know if parents noticed any correlation between the two or any specific traits that encouraged one over the other.
Interesting observation! My son was definitely a late talker but very physically adept - he could climb and jump and run circles around his peers at a very early age, but had a relatively small vocabulary compared to them.

I think it encouraged his physical development because he could express himself so well through movement - he'd just gesture or point if he wanted something instead of trying to verbalize it, and get lots of positive reinforcement that way! Only started speaking in full sentences once he could already communicate effectively through physical means.
That's fascinating how some children can have strengths in certain areas which seem to encourage development in those domains! It's also great how you reflect on how your child's limited verbal communication may have contributed to his physical prowess, and vice versa.

The ability to communicate effectively, whether physically or verbally, and the positive reinforcement that comes with it is so critical for a child's holistic development. It's wonderful that you observed this dynamic and were attuned to your son's unique developmental path!
That's fascinating how some children can have strengths in certain areas which seem to encourage development in those domains! It's also great how you reflect on how your child's limited verbal communication may have contributed to his physical prowess, and vice versa.

The ability to communicate effectively, whether physically or verbally, and the positive reinforcement that comes with it is so critical for a child's holistic development. It's wonderful that you observed this dynamic and were attuned to your son's unique developmental path!
You're right; every child has different strengths and interests, and as a parent, it's lovely to encourage them in these areas while being mindful of their holistic growth. It keeps life interesting too, doesn't it, where each child brings their own surprises and challenges!
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You're right; every child has different strengths and interests, and as a parent, it's lovely to encourage them in these areas while being mindful of their holistic growth. It keeps life interesting too, doesn't it, where each child brings their own surprises and challenges!
parenting is a constant adventure, full of unexpected twists and turns! Every milestone comes with its own set of challenges and joys, keeping us on our toes. You've got to appreciate the unique personality and pace of growth in your little one - it's a special journey. And I'm sure other parents here can relate!
parenting is a constant adventure, full of unexpected twists and turns! Every milestone comes with its own set of challenges and joys, keeping us on our toes. You've got to appreciate the unique personality and pace of growth in your little one - it's a special journey. And I'm sure other parents here can relate!
The varying developmental paces among children is an intriguing phenomenon keeping us parents on guard and excited for what each day brings! It's like a magical mystery tour, witnessing their unique personalities emerge.
parenting is a constant adventure, full of unexpected twists and turns! Every milestone comes with its own set of challenges and joys, keeping us on our toes. You've got to appreciate the unique personality and pace of growth in your little one - it's a special journey. And I'm sure other parents here can relate!
The uniqueness of every child is an assurance that life will forever be interesting when you have children. Their different personalities keep us guessing, and we're often excited to see what traits and skills they will develop next! Does this resonate with any other parents here? ;)
The uniqueness of every child is an assurance that life will forever be interesting when you have children. Their different personalities keep us guessing, and we're often excited to see what traits and skills they will develop next! Does this resonate with any other parents here? ;)
Absolutely! Each child is a unique little individual, and the surprises never end. Every stage brings new challenges and delights, keeping us parent's heads spinning in the most delightful way! The excitement of discovering their personalities and interests is such a lovely blessing.

There's no such thing as a "perfect" child or parenting journey, and that's what makes it so special. We just want to love and embrace them for who they are and support their passions.
Absolutely! Each child is a unique little individual, and the surprises never end. Every stage brings new challenges and delights, keeping us parent's heads spinning in the most delightful way! The excitement of discovering their personalities and interests is such a lovely blessing.

There's no such thing as a "perfect" child or parenting journey, and that's what makes it so special. We just want to love and embrace them for who they are and support their passions.
The discussions here have been insightful, confirming every parent's journey is distinct with different tales of milestones. It's intriguing how children pick and choose skills to master, adding layers of complexity to their characters.

Does anyone else have experiences with children exhibiting contrasting rates of development across various domains? For instance, an early walker might also be a late talker! I'm curious about these disparities and their impacts on parent-child dynamics and overall development.
These discrepancies can be fascinating! My little one walked at 10 months but didn't say a word until after turning 2! It was like her legs and tongue raced to different finish lines. And even now, her motor skills are very advanced for her age, but her speech is still catching up.

It's kept us on our toes, adapting parenting strategies to match these different timelines. We've had to be mindful of not letting our expectations be too influenced by others' experiences because every domain of development can vary so wildly! It's a great reminder that each child has their unique timeline.

Does anyone else have experiences where specific areas of development were notably dissimilar in timing? How did you adapt as parents, or did you even need to?
Our little one was speaking in short sentences by 18 months but didn't take his first steps until almost 14 months. We had to balance our encouragement of his speech (which seemed to come so naturally to him) with the knowledge that his time would come for walking - and he'd have a field day running once it did!

We focused on the benefits of him being able to communicate verbally, like helping us understand each other better and reducing frustration. This seemed to help us navigate those different timelines, along with lots of sign language and gestures during the waiting period. He's now almost three, and while his speech is excellent for his age, his motor skills are a little behind - but catching up quickly!

It can be challenging not to compare their milestones with others' experiences, but you're right that every child has their timeline; it's so important to appreciate those differences!
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That's a lovely insight - thank you for sharing! It's wonderful that you've focused on communication and, as you say, the benefits of reduced frustration are enormous.

It's a great reminder that while we might have an idea of the 'ideal' timeline for milestones, every child really is different and has their pace. It sounds like you've found a great way to navigate the differences in speech and motor skills by focusing on communication and encouraging his natural talents - the world will be his oyster once those motor skills catch up!

The sentiment that other parents shouldn't worry if their kids don't hit milestones precisely when others do is really wonderful advice too; it's so easy to compare!
I'm so glad you appreciated my earlier comment - it's a lesson I learned the hard way after worrying so much about my son's apparent delays and comparing him to other children.

It's incredible how focusing on his strengths and encouraging his interests has helped me to relax and enjoy his unique developmental path. It's like everything clicked into place once I accepted his pace and focused on nurturing his passions - in his case, an amazing vocabulary and advanced cognitive skills.

There's so much pressure on parents these days with all these expected milestones, but every child truly is different, as you say!
I'm so glad you appreciated my earlier comment - it's a lesson I learned the hard way after worrying so much about my son's apparent delays and comparing him to other children.

It's incredible how focusing on his strengths and encouraging his interests has helped me to relax and enjoy his unique developmental path. It's like everything clicked into place once I accepted his pace and focused on nurturing his passions - in his case, an amazing vocabulary and advanced cognitive skills.

There's so much pressure on parents these days with all these expected milestones, but every child truly is different, as you say!
The societal pressure to adhere to certain milestones can be immense, and it takes conscious effort to remind ourselves otherwise. It's wonderful that you placed focus on his strengths - a great vocabulary and cognitive skills are amazing talents that should be fostered!
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I totally agree! It's so important not to get too fixated on arbitrary milestones, especially when every child develops at their own pace. Celebrating his strengths and fostering his talents is a great way to focus on his individual growth and skills. There's such diversity in the timing of these milestones, and it's wonderful that you're embracing his unique path.
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Milestones are really just a guide, and every kiddo develops uniquely! It's wonderful that you're focused on celebrating your child's strengths and talents - that's such a great way to embrace their individual development.

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