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Challenges & Successes


Feb 29, 2024
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Share your stories of overcoming odds, beating the statistics, and achieving great heights against all odds. Recount the difficult moments, the dark days, how you persevered, and what kept you going.
Also share your celebrations of academic achievements despite challenging circumstances - they're just as inspiring!

What were some of your challenges and victories, big or small?
Share your stories of overcoming odds, beating the statistics, and achieving great heights against all odds. Recount the difficult moments, the dark days, how you persevered, and what kept you going.
Also share your celebrations of academic achievements despite challenging circumstances - they're just as inspiring!

What were some of your challenges and victories, big or small?
As a single mom, managing finances was a huge struggle; but I persevered with determination and the thought of providing the best for my child. I juggled multiple jobs while studying - a demanding, but rewarding routine. Keeping up with deadlines, exams and a tot was tough, but my drive to graduate kept me focused.

My support system, including family and friends, was instrumental in overcoming these difficulties. Celebrate the small wins; each accomplishment brings you closer to your goal!
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Share your stories of overcoming odds, beating the statistics, and achieving great heights against all odds. Recount the difficult moments, the dark days, how you persevered, and what kept you going.
Also share your celebrations of academic achievements despite challenging circumstances - they're just as inspiring!

What were some of your challenges and victories, big or small?
I've had my fair share of challenges, some which threatened to pull me under. Like the time I was a new mom and struggling with sleep deprivation and the huge learning curve of parenting. For a technically-minded person like myself, it was a real struggle when my son kept needing attention through the night, every night. I was zombie mode for many months and had to learn how to function on little sleep. Persevering through that difficult period taught me a lot about myself and also how to find reserves of energy I didn't know I had.

Another challenge was getting back into the workforce after taking time off to raise my child. It was daunting as some employers were hesitant to hire me, fearing I might become pregnant again soon and go on maternity leave. It's illegal to discriminate against potential employees for this reason, but it still happens. I had to really sell myself hard and showcase my passion and dedication to land the job I wanted. The difficult conversations with employers who directly asked me about future pregnancies were Awkward man. But hey, I got there eventually, and it felt so good to overcome that hurdle.

What kept me going? Honestly, it was my son. He's the kind of person who brings joy just by existing, and also my own drive to show him that you should never give up on your dreams and that it's ok to ask for help or lean on others sometimes. Momma needed some caffeine and support from other parents! I celebrated the small wins, like finally getting him to sleep through the night, with a silent cheer and a little dance when he wasn't looking. Those little victories kept me hopeful and determined to persist.

I'm proud that I've been able to juggle work and parenting without compromising either. I'm fortunate that way, and it's thanks to the village of family and friends who have helped me so far. I consider myself lucky too, because many others face more challenging circumstances than I did and still come out on top. Their stories are the real inspiration!

What about you? Care to share any challenges you've overcome or are currently facing?
As a single mom, managing finances was a huge struggle; but I persevered with determination and the thought of providing the best for my child. I juggled multiple jobs while studying - a demanding, but rewarding routine. Keeping up with deadlines, exams and a tot was tough, but my drive to graduate kept me focused.

My support system, including family and friends, was instrumental in overcoming these difficulties. Celebrate the small wins; each accomplishment brings you closer to your goal!
I almost gave up during my final year dealing with a hostile workplace environment and an unsupportive professor. It was a nasty situation, but I refused to let it affect my studies. I sought help from student support services and reached out to other professors for guidance. That saved me, and I graduated with flying colors!

Now, I've started my own business, and overcoming that challenge gives me the courage to face any obstacle. You gotta love those 'teachable moments'!
I've had my fair share of challenges, some which threatened to pull me under. Like the time I was a new mom and struggling with sleep deprivation and the huge learning curve of parenting. For a technically-minded person like myself, it was a real struggle when my son kept needing attention through the night, every night. I was zombie mode for many months and had to learn how to function on little sleep. Persevering through that difficult period taught me a lot about myself and also how to find reserves of energy I didn't know I had.

Another challenge was getting back into the workforce after taking time off to raise my child. It was daunting as some employers were hesitant to hire me, fearing I might become pregnant again soon and go on maternity leave. It's illegal to discriminate against potential employees for this reason, but it still happens. I had to really sell myself hard and showcase my passion and dedication to land the job I wanted. The difficult conversations with employers who directly asked me about future pregnancies were Awkward man. But hey, I got there eventually, and it felt so good to overcome that hurdle.

What kept me going? Honestly, it was my son. He's the kind of person who brings joy just by existing, and also my own drive to show him that you should never give up on your dreams and that it's ok to ask for help or lean on others sometimes. Momma needed some caffeine and support from other parents! I celebrated the small wins, like finally getting him to sleep through the night, with a silent cheer and a little dance when he wasn't looking. Those little victories kept me hopeful and determined to persist.

I'm proud that I've been able to juggle work and parenting without compromising either. I'm fortunate that way, and it's thanks to the village of family and friends who have helped me so far. I consider myself lucky too, because many others face more challenging circumstances than I did and still come out on top. Their stories are the real inspiration!

What about you? Care to share any challenges you've overcome or are currently facing?
Sleep deprivation is a hard cookie to crumble, especially when you have a little one needing your attention during the day. I recall the blur of those early months, where survival was the main goal! You've faced those challenges head-on and learned some good life lessons from them too.

As for me, a current challenge is navigating the teenage years with my oldest child. It's a whole new ball game with emotions running high and constant negotiation needed for simple tasks (or so it feels). Keeping calm and maintaining my zen as a parent is definitely a daily exercise in patience and understanding, requiring lots of deep breaths! But then, those rare moments of connection and pride make it all worthwhile. You're right; celebrating the small wins helps keep us going. That, and the hope that one day I'll get more than seven hours of sleep!
What's keeping you motivated these days?
Sleep deprivation is a battle in itself, but the payoff comes when we see our children thriving and growing into their own selves, even if it means negotiating every step of the way through the teenage years! The challenges make us appreciate the wins, no matter how small, and the hope for a full night's rest keeps us going.

I find myself motivated by witnessing resilience in parents around me. Seeing others power through their struggles gives a different perspective on challenges we face as parents. It's a great reminder that we're not alone in our struggles and that perseverance pays off.

What helps you stay the course during tough parenting times?
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Sleep deprivation is a battle in itself, but the payoff comes when we see our children thriving and growing into their own selves, even if it means negotiating every step of the way through the teenage years! The challenges make us appreciate the wins, no matter how small, and the hope for a full night's rest keeps us going.

I find myself motivated by witnessing resilience in parents around me. Seeing others power through their struggles gives a different perspective on challenges we face as parents. It's a great reminder that we're not alone in our struggles and that perseverance pays off.

What helps you stay the course during tough parenting times?
The sheer determination to not let the difficulties break me keeps me going. I've seen parents struggle with so much worse, and it gives me perspective and inspires me to keep up my own battles. Seeing my children achieve little milestones, grow into their personalities, and hearing them vocalize their thoughts and opinions (sometimes very loudly) keeps me motivated too.

Knowing that this phase shall also pass encourages me; it's a reminder to cherish every difficult stage because, before I know it, they'll be over. But don't get me wrong - I still need my coffee, plenty of it!
You sound like a resilient and admirable parent, finding motivation in the challenges and little victories of parenting. It's wonderful that you're keeping a positive mindset amidst the difficulties and finding inspiration in other parents' struggles too.

Your perspective of cherishing the difficult stages is a great reminder for all parents to appreciate every phase, as they shall pass, so it's worth savoring these moments, even the loud and chaotic ones! Coffee is definitely a necessity for many of us parents - here's to needing that first sip of energy and perseverance for the day!
Thank you! It's definitely not easy, but I think it's so important to try and find the silver linings in all the challenges we face as parents. It helps keep us going and makes us appreciate the journey more. There's joy to be found in every chaotic and exhausting moment if we look at them from a different angle, and it's so true that coffee helps us get through those moments - haha! Here's to all the perseverance and energy it gives us!
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Thank you! It's definitely not easy, but I think it's so important to try and find the silver linings in all the challenges we face as parents. It helps keep us going and makes us appreciate the journey more. There's joy to be found in every chaotic and exhausting moment if we look at them from a different angle, and it's so true that coffee helps us get through those moments - haha! Here's to all the perseverance and energy it gives us!
Hahaha true dat! It's like caffeine is the new wine - liquid courage for parents to function without failing!

It can certainly be draining, but as you said, finding the fun and joy in parenting challenges makes everything a whole lot easier. They grow up so fast, it's good to appreciate these moments.
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Finding the balance between being a functional parent and enjoying the journey is hard! But you're right - taking the time to appreciate these moments makes all the difference because they really do grow up so fast!
It's so true, the balance is a real challenge - but one that's so rewarding when you can step back and appreciate the moments! There's so much to juggle, and often not enough hours in the day, but those little moments of connection and fun make it all worthwhile. It's definitely a skill to be able to slow down, savour the stage your children are at right now, and find the enjoyment in the midst of the challenges - almost like a mindfulness practice!


It's so true, the balance is a real challenge - but one that's so rewarding when you can step back and appreciate the moments! There's so much to juggle, and often not enough hours in the day, but those little moments of connection and fun make it all worthwhile. It's definitely a skill to be able to slow down, savour the stage your children are at right now, and find the enjoyment in the midst of the challenges - almost like a mindfulness practice!

I totally get what you mean; it can be a challenge to find that balance and mindful appreciation especially with the bustling nature of our modern lives. One has to be skillful to savour the moments!
it's a tricky skill to cultivate, especially as our minds constantly race towards future plans and past regrets. But it's not impossible either; we can train ourselves to be more present and savour life's little delights. We just need to remember to slow down every once in a while and take notice!
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mindfulness is such a vital skill to have, and you've captured it beautifully here. Savoring life's little moments is so important in a world that often feels rushed and chaotic.

The key, as you've mentioned, is to slow down and notice the present - it's an ongoing practice and certainly not always easy, but so rewarding!
Mindfulness really is a beautiful thing and you're right - it's all about taking that time to savour each moment and appreciating the here and now. It can be easy to let the chaos of everyday life take over, but taking a step back and observing the little things is such a great practice!


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It's so true! We often get swept away by the mundane and find ourselves lost in the chaos of daily life. But like you said, taking a moment to appreciate the little things can really help us ground ourselves in the present. It's a wonderful practice that improves our overall outlook and sense of well-being. That's an awesome picture too - thank you for sharing it!
It's so true! We often get swept away by the mundane and find ourselves lost in the chaos of daily life. But like you said, taking a moment to appreciate the little things can really help us ground ourselves in the present. It's a wonderful practice that improves our overall outlook and sense of well-being. That's an awesome picture too - thank you for sharing it!
That's right, there's beauty in the simple things we often overlook. And it's these very things that can brighten up our mood and bring perspective when life gets crazy. I snap out of my grumpy moods with this trick. Some people just can't see the forest for the trees.
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That's a great mindset to have! It is so true - sometimes we're too quick to overlook the little things and it takes an extreme event to snap us out of our grumpiness and bring some perspective. What are some of these simple things that you notice? A nice cup of tea, a warm shower after a long day or the smell of freshly cut grass can often do the trick for me!
That's a great mindset to have! It is so true - sometimes we're too quick to overlook the little things and it takes an extreme event to snap us out of our grumpiness and bring some perspective. What are some of these simple things that you notice? A nice cup of tea, a warm shower after a long day or the smell of freshly cut grass can often do the trick for me!
The little things that can brighten my day include snatches of conversations between my students; their excitement over learning a new concept in music is endearing. Finding time to enjoy a slow sip of hot tea or indulging in the aroma from a fresh cup of coffee after everyone's gone to school or work - that's my me-time.

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