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Celebratory Milestones


Feb 6, 2024
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The first steps, words, sleep regression, solid foods... there are so many milestones in our LOs development that we as mothers want to celebrate! What are some of the milestones you've celebrated recently? Any stories/anecdotes you'd like to share related to them? I'll go first: LO just started clapping and it's the cutest thing ever! He also waves bye-bye but only when he wants to ;).
The first steps, words, sleep regression, solid foods... there are so many milestones in our LOs development that we as mothers want to celebrate! What are some of the milestones you've celebrated recently? Any stories/anecdotes you'd like to share related to them? I'll go first: LO just started clapping and it's the cutest thing ever! He also waves bye-bye but only when he wants to ;).
My little one has been saying mama for a few months now, but only recently started combining it with my name, Catherine, so that counts as a special milestone - made me melt the first time he did it! He's also into throwing kisses, which is adorable, and I can't help but melt every time he blows me one.
My little one has been saying mama for a few months now, but only recently started combining it with my name, Catherine, so that counts as a special milestone - made me melt the first time he did it! He's also into throwing kisses, which is adorable, and I can't help but melt every time he blows me one.
Awww... cute! My kiddo called me "mummy" for the first time about a week ago. But if he's being particularly adorable (which is often), I like to think he calls me "honey" or "dear" in his mind since he's too cool for such babyish nicnames already 😏. He also started kiss **** attacks, which I absolutely love! Can never have enough of those precious slobbery kisses 🤤.
Awww... cute! My kiddo called me "mummy" for the first time about a week ago. But if he's being particularly adorable (which is often), I like to think he calls me "honey" or "dear" in his mind since he's too cool for such babyish nicnames already 😏. He also started kiss **** attacks, which I absolutely love! Can never have enough of those precious slobbery kisses 🤤.
My son recently started identifying and asking for his favorite characters by name. He would point at them excitedly whenever he sees them on screen or in toy form. It's adorable to witness his enthusiasm and growing awareness.

Another recent milestone is him learning to scoot up and down the stairs! I'm quite certain that his newfound freedom will bring about many more exciting adventures (and possible mishaps) outdoors.
My son recently started identifying and asking for his favorite characters by name. He would point at them excitedly whenever he sees them on screen or in toy form. It's adorable to witness his enthusiasm and growing awareness.

Another recent milestone is him learning to scoot up and down the stairs! I'm quite certain that his newfound freedom will bring about many more exciting adventures (and possible mishaps) outdoors.
My daughter has recently discovered her echo chamber AKA my wardrobe and loves playing with the noisy toys kept inside, throwing my scarves around like a rainbow-coloured cyclone. It's adorable discovering the world through her curious eyes! I'm in for lots of fun picking up the aftermath though. 😅
My daughter has recently discovered her echo chamber AKA my wardrobe and loves playing with the noisy toys kept inside, throwing my scarves around like a rainbow-coloured cyclone. It's adorable discovering the world through her curious eyes! I'm in for lots of fun picking up the aftermath though. 😅
That's precious! Kids often have an eye for the most interesting places and items. The wardrobe could be housing a secret, magical portal the way they see it! Picking up after them is definitely a workout, which contributes to the never-ending housework milestone that comes with having little ones. 😂
That's precious! Kids often have an eye for the most interesting places and items. The wardrobe could be housing a secret, magical portal the way they see it! Picking up after them is definitely a workout, which contributes to the never-ending housework milestone that comes with having little ones. 😂
the non-stop picking up, organizing, and tidying are good exercise! I didn't realize that my house could be so messy with just one tiny person around, hah. LO recently figured out how to open the fridge door, so now I'm anxiously waiting for the day he starts helping himself to food (hopefully it's something healthy)! On a related note, congratulations on your little one figuring out stairs! That's a big and exciting milestone!
the non-stop picking up, organizing, and tidying are good exercise! I didn't realize that my house could be so messy with just one tiny person around, hah. LO recently figured out how to open the fridge door, so now I'm anxiously waiting for the day he starts helping himself to food (hopefully it's something healthy)! On a related note, congratulations on your little one figuring out stairs! That's a big and exciting milestone!
The little ones sure keep us on our toes! It's like they're in a constant competition with themselves over who can come up with the most creative mess. And yes, let's hope the fridge exploration leads to healthy snack choices; that'd be a win! 😆
The little ones sure keep us on our toes! It's like they're in a constant competition with themselves over who can come up with the most creative mess. And yes, let's hope the fridge exploration leads to healthy snack choices; that'd be a win! 😆
They do keep us on our toes Not to mention those sneaky little mess makers keeping us ever on high alert. I've had my fair share of disaster-averted moments - which, looking back, could have been funny milestones too haha. Here's to hoping for some healthy fridge snacks and less cleanup work for both of us! 😝
They do keep us on our toes Not to mention those sneaky little mess makers keeping us ever on high alert. I've had my fair share of disaster-averted moments - which, looking back, could have been funny milestones too haha. Here's to hoping for some healthy fridge snacks and less cleanup work for both of us! 😝
There's never a dull moment with kids around! The energy they bring and their curiosity are quite something. I'm always in awe of how quickly they pick up new skills, and it's fun watching them figure things out. Here's to celebrating many more milestones - the cute, funny, and quirky ones! 😊
There's never a dull moment with kids around! The energy they bring and their curiosity are quite something. I'm always in awe of how quickly they pick up new skills, and it's fun watching them figure things out. Here's to celebrating many more milestones - the cute, funny, and quirky ones! 😊
There certainly is no dull moment Kids' curious nature never ceases to amaze me too. They pick up things so quick and it's fascinating how their minds work. Celebrate we shall, hopefully with less mess and stress haha.
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There certainly is no dull moment Kids' curious nature never ceases to amaze me too. They pick up things so quick and it's fascinating how their minds work. Celebrate we shall, hopefully with less mess and stress haha.
They're little sponges - soaking everything in and replicating what they've learnt too! Let's keep our fingers crossed for smoother sailing (and less cleansing) milestones ahead.
They're little sponges - soaking everything in and replicating what they've learnt too! Let's keep our fingers crossed for smoother sailing (and less cleansing) milestones ahead.
little sponges is a great way to describe them! They absorb everything so quickly, it's impressive and quite mysterious how they do it. Here's to hoping for some mess-free adventures for both of us, although it's all part and parcel right haha.
little sponges is a great way to describe them! They absorb everything so quickly, it's impressive and quite mysterious how they do it. Here's to hoping for some mess-free adventures for both of us, although it's all part and parcel right haha.
That's true; it's a package deal we sign up for as parents. Messy and challenging moments are inevitable but worth every second of awe and wonderment our little ones bring!
That's true; it's a package deal we sign up for as parents. Messy and challenging moments are inevitable but worth every second of awe and wonderment our little ones bring!
It's an exhausting yet rewarding journey, this parenting gig. Here's to us parents navigating the mess and marveling at our kids' growth! What would life be without these colorful milestones, hey? 😅
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It's an exhausting yet rewarding journey, this parenting gig. Here's to us parents navigating the mess and marveling at our kids' growth! What would life be without these colorful milestones, hey? 😅
if it was not for the challenging parenting moments, we would not cherish the magical and amazing ones as much. Exhaustion is definitely part of the package but the wonder in our children's eyes make it all worthwhile!
if it was not for the challenging parenting moments, we would not cherish the magical and amazing ones as much. Exhaustion is definitely part of the package but the wonder in our children's eyes make it all worthwhile!
Parenting's certainly a wild ride full of ups and downs. The wonders of parenthood make it all worth it at the end of the day!
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Parenting's certainly a wild ride full of ups and downs. The wonders of parenthood make it all worth it at the end of the day!
The struggles melt away when I see my little ones accomplish something new. It's like they've figured out the secret to life or something, and their excitement is infectious! Here's to many more milestones bringing us joy despite the chaos.
The struggles melt away when I see my little ones accomplish something new. It's like they've figured out the secret to life or something, and their excitement is infectious! Here's to many more milestones bringing us joy despite the chaos.
The ups definitely make up for the downs, even if we're exhausted from the rollercoaster ride! The sheer joy on their faces when accomplishing something new is a sight to behold. Here's to more of such heartwarming moments and less of the chaotic ones. Haha! Have a good weekend!
The ups definitely make up for the downs, even if we're exhausted from the rollercoaster ride! The sheer joy on their faces when accomplishing something new is a sight to behold. Here's to more of such heartwarming moments and less of the chaotic ones. Haha! Have a good weekend!
You too! Enjoy the little ones and soak in the warmth of their achievements.

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