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Celebrating Baby's Milestones


Mar 11, 2024
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Many mums got together to celebrate their little ones' milestones and share stories. happyfeet's baby started clapping, and that opened the floodgates for everyone to share experiences of their babies' recent achievements. Doctormama shared how her tot recently started walking and how this seemed to enhance her observations. Others spoke about their toddlers' new developments, including speaking in sentences, walking without aid, and mimicking actions—all while displaying burgeoning personalities. It's a special phase for each mum as their children discover the world, learn new skills, and express themselves. Many mums documented these precious moments through scrapbooks, videos, and notebooks, cherishing the joy of motherhood.

I wanted to create a space where we can celebrate our little ones' milestones and share stories of how we're tracking their development.

It's such a special time watching them grow and learn new skills!

What are some milestones your babies have reached recently that you're excited about? Any funny or cute moments you'd like to share? And for older babies/toddlers, what creative ways do you come up with to keep track of their growth and changes?

I'll go first! My little one just started clapping this week, and it's the cutest thing ever. He gets so excited, especially when he hears some music he likes. It feels like he's really starting to figure out how his body works and can express himself a bit more now!
I wanted to create a space where we can celebrate our little ones' milestones and share stories of how we're tracking their development.

It's such a special time watching them grow and learn new skills!

What are some milestones your babies have reached recently that you're excited about? Any funny or cute moments you'd like to share? And for older babies/toddlers, what creative ways do you come up with to keep track of their growth and changes?

I'll go first! My little one just started clapping this week, and it's the cutest thing ever. He gets so excited, especially when he hears some music he likes. It feels like he's really starting to figure out how his body works and can express himself a bit more now!
My tot just started walking. It's such a joy to see her totter about the house, especially when she walks over to me and holds out her arms for a hug! I think this new mobility has made her even more observant too - she's noticing little details like our pet fish in his bowl and tiny ants marching on the floor, then pointing and squealing with delight.
My tot just started walking. It's such a joy to see her totter about the house, especially when she walks over to me and holds out her arms for a hug! I think this new mobility has made her even more observant too - she's noticing little details like our pet fish in his bowl and tiny ants marching on the floor, then pointing and squealing with delight.
It's such a precious phase when they start discovering the world on their own two feet! I remember how my son would walk over to me and pull my hands towards the tiniest details he wanted to show me, like a flower in full bloom or a ladybug crawling on the wall. Such sweet moments!
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It's such a precious phase when they start discovering the world on their own two feet! I remember how my son would walk over to me and pull my hands towards the tiniest details he wanted to show me, like a flower in full bloom or a ladybug crawling on the wall. Such sweet moments!
It's heartwarming to see the excitement and pride they have when they accomplish something new, like walking! My little one also went through a phase of showing off her new skills; she would carefully pick up objects and proudly present them to me as if to say, "Look, Mum! I can do it!"
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Wah, your little one's so cute lah! Clapping along to the music - precious moment I can imagine the joy on his face. My girl has started speaking in full sentences suddenly; it's like she's been saving up all these words and just decided one day to let loose hahaha. She's also really into negotiating and convincing us for things she wants - quite the little salesperson! So adorable but also challenging because now we have to really watch what we say since everything's a potential 'why'.
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Yeah, it's super heartwarming to witness our little ones picking up new skills and expressing themselves! My toddler just figured out how to give high fives and it's too adorable - like an exciting secret handshake every time. Also been loving the phase where she repeats everything we say; such a cute way of learning language!

We've got a small notebook dedicated to jotting down little milestones and funny quotes, which has been a lovely way to look back on how quickly she's changing.
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Yup, totally agree that it's exciting to witness our little ones' growth! My toddler has recently started speaking in two-word sentences and it's adorable! All the awww-worthy moments make me wanna melt haha...

I've been taking videos and snaps at every milestone - from sitting up on their own to taking those first wobbly steps. And I keep a scrapbook too, with notes jotted down for each month's highlights. Something physical to hold onto is so satisfying!
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Yours is quite an exciting phase The walking tot also went through a phase of showing off, mimicking their new skills to me as though teaching or telling me, "Look Mum, I can do this!"
It's cute how they develop personalities and attitudes alongside these physical developments, like they know they're onto something big.
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Wah, your little one can clap already ah! Must be so cute and adorable to see him trying to express himself through actions. My tot just started walking without holding onto anything; it's a huge relief because he was such a scaredy-cat before - too nervous to take those first steps. Now got more confidence and easier for mummy to chase him around when he's naughty! Haha!
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Yeah, it's a happy time when our little ones start doing new things and showing their personalities! My tot just learned how to give high fives and it's so adorable I want to melt every time he remembers to do it spontaneously. He also points at everything now - it's like having an excited, tiny tour guide showing me all his favourite things!
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Yeah, it's super fun and exciting to see our little ones hit new milestones! My tot just started walking. He's been tottering around the house like a drunkard but so quick to get around now. He thinks it's the best thing ever and gets super thrilled whenever he manages to walk over to his favorite toys. I'm just glad I managed to grab most of his falls!
Yup, it's heartwarming to witness our little ones' growth and discoveries.

My tot has taken a liking to mimicry these days. Show him how to place a tiny toy car on its roof and he'll giggle and do the same with his own car. He even attempts to replicate the exact positioning and little noises I make when I play with him, which is adorbs.

Also, his newfound ability to crawl super fast across the room means he's way more mobile now and gets into everything! Baby-proofing has leveled up!
You're doing such an awesome job! Isn't it heartening to witness the little one's growth?

My tot has started speaking in full sentences - clear and loud, no baby talk anymore. It's like overnight she became a big kid, leaving her toddler stage but I'm also super proud!
Wah, your little one sounds like so cute! Clapping along to the music - that's a precious moment eh! My tot has started talking recently - full of funny gibberish but trying to communicate, man. Super adorable when he attempts to sing too though it mostly ends up as loud screaming. Haha.
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Yup, gotta love it when they start developing those cute little mannerisms! My tot just learned how to give 'high fives' and it's so adorable – he gets all pumped up whenever he does it successfully!
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Walking huh? That's a big milestone! Congrats! Must be rewarding to see them mobile after all that crawling. My LO also started standing up on her own recently, using the furniture for support. Less messes around the house now that she can grab things easier.
Yeah, watching them explore their newfound abilities is heartwarming! Mine recently started walking and has been tottering around the house, which has been such a delight to witness. You see, they have this look of determined concentration on their face while walking, like they're on an important mission, and it's adorable!

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