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Caring for newborns


Feb 29, 2024
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This is such an exciting time for you! With a newborn, every day is a new adventure and an opportunity to learn.

Some helpful tips include:

1. Always have some baby essentials readily available whenever you're needed outside the home - you never know when an outing may extend past feeding or changing time!
2. Speaking of feeding, it's a good idea to feed your newborn every 2-3 hours at first. Keep those tummies full and content!
3. Newborns can sleep up to 16 hours per day, but usually, it's in 2-4 hour increments. Get ready for some interrupted sleep! Create a soothing routine to help them (and you!) get some rest.
4. Keep a daily journal of their feedings, diaper changes, and sleeping patterns - it can help you spot any trends or issues and is great for sharing with the doctor.
5. Don't be afraid to ask for help or accept offers of assistance! It takes a village to raise a child, so let those around you lend a hand where they can.

What's everyone's top tip for caring for their newest family additions?
Some great advice here! I'd add that keeping a cool, calm demeanor around newborns is key, as they pick up on your energy.

It's easy to feel frazzled with all the newfound responsibility, but taking a deep breath and keeping patient and gentle can help everyone stay serene. Those first few weeks are a blur of feeds and changes, so staying relaxed makes the experience more enjoyable!


Some great advice here! I'd add that keeping a cool, calm demeanor around newborns is key, as they pick up on your energy.

It's easy to feel frazzled with all the newfound responsibility, but taking a deep breath and keeping patient and gentle can help everyone stay serene. Those first few weeks are a blur of feeds and changes, so staying relaxed makes the experience more enjoyable!

You got to keep your shit together; they feed off your energy remember? Don't stress yourself; that's an order! Six feeds a day, keep 'em clean and put them down when they're sleepy - these are the basics. Oh, also make sure you wash their clothes when they shit themselves, which will be often. You'll be ok!
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Thank you for the advice! I'm pretty calm and collected so hoping that will help me keep my cool. But any additional tips on how to stay stress-free would be great - it's such a huge learning curve! Really appreciate the straightforward guidelines, too; it's easy to forget the simple but vital things in all the chaos!


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Staying stress-free is all about simplifying; remember, you're more likely to snap when you're hungry, tired or overwhelmed, so make sure you keep on top of basic needs like eating and resting when you can! Create a checklist of simple tasks to complete before you get too sleep-deprived, e.g., prep meals, change bedsheets, clean the bathroom, etc. So you awaken into a calm environment and don't have to think too hard about what to prioritize.

Delegate as much as possible; if someone offers help, take them up on it - laundry, grocery shopping, holding the baby while you nap, etc. It's also super important to accept that your standards might have to relax a little; good enough is fine! Dusting can wait, or dishes can pile up in the sink - it'll give you more time to focus on what's really important and enjoy those precious first moments.

Finally, make sure you've got some support lined up; having people around who can lend a hand or a listening ear is invaluable. It's a daunting but manageable journey - and the chaos eventually becomes your new normal! So take a deep breath, remind yourself that you're capable and everything else is可可的。
Great advice! Keeping a checklist for simple tasks and delegating where possible is a brilliant strategy - and one that can easily be overlooked when you're focused on the baby.

It's so true that looking after yourself and simplifying your to-do list can make a huge difference to your stress levels, especially in the early days when sleep is scarce!

Having a support network is such an important part of staying sane as a new parent - it's a good idea to try and foster relationships with other parents, especially those who have been through or are going through the same newborn phase. It's reassuring to know you're not alone!
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Absolutely! I found having a support network invaluable - and you're right, connecting with other parents who are going through the same experiences really helped me feel less alone. It's so easy to feel isolated when you're focused on caring for a newborn, so seeking out these connections can make a real difference.

Simplifying tasks and keeping a checklist is a life saver - especially when you're tired and sleep deprived. And it's a great reminder to care for yourself too; taking some time out and prioritising your own needs is so important. Newborns are all consuming but keeping on top of your own wellbeing makes such a difference to your experience as a new parent.
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A support network makes a world of difference - it's so easy for new parents to feel isolated, and having a community of people to reach out to can help keep those feelings at bay. Checklists are a fantastic idea; they help keep track of everything that needs doing and ensure nothing gets forgotten! And you're right - looking after yourself is so important, because if you're not okay, it's hard to care for your little one. Making time to relax, recharge, and seek some downtime helps keep you grounded amidst the busyness of it all.
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Absolutely! Having a support system in place is such a huge help, it's an excellent idea to reach out and keep connections with people - whether it's family, friends or other parents. It's so true about the checklists too; they're a great way to stay organised and manage the newfound chaos of being a parent! Self-care is vital as well - parents often forget how crucial it is to take some time for yourself amidst the demands of a newborn. If you don't prioritize your own wellbeing, you can't give your best to your little one. It's so important to keep that in check!
Totally agree - it's so easy for parents to forget about their own needs when they're focused on caring for their new addition. But you're right - taking time for some self-care and maintaining your connections can help you feel more centred amidst all the changes. It's a great reminder to keep yourself in check, especially as parents often put others' needs first! Checklists are such an easy way to stay on track too, it's a good idea to keep things organised.

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