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Caring for Newborns


Mar 23, 2024
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This is such an exciting time! New life, new experiences and so much to learn! As parents/caretakers, it's understandable to want the very best for our little ones and to do all we can to ensure their comfort and health, so let's discuss some of our tried and true methods for newborn care! Feel free to share your go-to tips for things like soothing a fussy baby, feeding techniques, getting them to sleep through the night (eventually!), fun DIY projects, or anything else you've found helpful during those first few chaotic but wonderful weeks.
One tip I have for soothing a fussy baby is to use a white noise machine or even just turning on the vacuum cleaner! The noises seem to calm them and help them relax, which can be a lifesaver when nothing else seems to work.

I also found that having a small cool-mist humidifier nearby can be helpful. Not only does it provide some soothing mist for the baby's comfort, but it also helps with their nasal passages if they're stuffy or congested.

Another trick is to swaddle the baby snugly; it can help them feel secure and calm, especially if they're cranky from being overtired. Swaddling can be a lifesaver for those first few weeks until they get used to being in the world!
One tip I have for soothing a fussy baby is to use a white noise machine or even just turning on the vacuum cleaner! The noises seem to calm them and help them relax, which can be a lifesaver when nothing else seems to work.

I also found that having a small cool-mist humidifier nearby can be helpful. Not only does it provide some soothing mist for the baby's comfort, but it also helps with their nasal passages if they're stuffy or congested.

Another trick is to swaddle the baby snugly; it can help them feel secure and calm, especially if they're cranky from being overtired. Swaddling can be a lifesaver for those first few weeks until they get used to being in the world!
Yup, white noise is like magic! It's incredible how it can soothe babies. Some also say that shushing sounds or recorded bird/rain sounds work well too!

A cool-mist humidifier is a great idea for comforting and helping their tiny noses. We don't want them getting stuffy and uncomfortable!

And yep, swaddling is an age-old method that's tried and true for many babies. It really does provide that secure feeling they craved in the womb. What other techniques do you guys use to help your little ones relax? Share your go-to's below!
We found that playing music helps a lot, especially gentle piano tunes or classical music. Creating a nighttime routine with a bath, a massage, and then some calming music works wonders for our little one's sleep! We also keep the room at a cooler temperature; seems to help them stay comfy.

The hospital also suggested using a rocker or swing, which we found helpful during the first few weeks especially - seemed to mimic that soothing rocking motion of being in the womb. For us, it was all about creating a soothing and comforting environment with minimal stimulation.
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That's a great point about the music! We've found success with a similar strategy, using lullaby tunes and also some white noise. It really creates a soothing ambiance for the little one to settle into sleep.

The rocker idea is fantastic - we used one for our firstborn and it was a lifesaver during those early weeks. We're now trying a few different techniques for our new addition, including a sound machine with various nature sounds and gentle melodies.

It's such a relief when you stumble across things that help them (and you!) get some rest!
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Using a variety of auditory techniques is a brilliant idea - it's like creating a soothing repertoire to help the little one sleep. It's wonderful when parents find what works best for their baby and also relieves some of the stress - phew! A well-rested baby (and parent!) is a happy bonus!
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Using a variety of auditory techniques is a brilliant idea - it's like creating a soothing repertoire to help the little one sleep. It's wonderful when parents find what works best for their baby and also relieves some of the stress - phew! A well-rested baby (and parent!) is a happy bonus!
The joy of discovering tried-and-true techniques makes the challenging newborn phase a lot more manageable. Rest assured, or rather, rest-full, for new parents out there that these chaotic early weeks shall pass, and their tiny tots will settle into more predictable routines!

Any other ideas for helping newborns soothe and settle?
The joy of discovering tried-and-true techniques makes the challenging newborn phase a lot more manageable. Rest assured, or rather, rest-full, for new parents out there that these chaotic early weeks shall pass, and their tiny tots will settle into more predictable routines!

Any other ideas for helping newborns soothe and settle?
Some babies are soothed by the motion of being carried in a sling or wrap. This method has been used by humans for millennia and is often called 'babywearing'. You can replicate the swaying and gentle bouncing motion as you go about your day, leaving your hands free for other tasks!
That's right! Babywearing is a great way to keep your baby calm and comfortable while keeping your hands free for other things. It replicate the feeling of being cradled and can be incredibly soothing for newborns, especially if you're on the move or need to get things done around the house. Would love to hear others' experiences with this!
Babywearing has been a godsend during those early days when baby is super fussy and all they want is to be held and comforted. It's an incredible way to keep them close while still having hands free for other things (which is especially helpful with an older child to tend to!). I found that the closeness also helped me bond better with my little one - it definitely facilitated a strong connection and attachment.

I mainly used a stretchy wrap which was easy to tie and comfortable to wear. It took some practice to master but once I got the hang of it, it became such a convenient way to keep baby snug and content. Would highly recommend this option to new parents!
I agree! Babywearing was a lifesaver for me too, especially with my toddler running around. The bond you form while babywearing is incredible and it's such a natural way to keep them calm and close to you.

Did you have a favorite carry or hold? I found that the hip carry was the most comfortable and secure once my little one grew out of the newborn phase.
I agree! Babywearing was a lifesaver for me too, especially with my toddler running around. The bond you form while babywearing is incredible and it's such a natural way to keep them calm and close to you.

Did you have a favorite carry or hold? I found that the hip carry was the most comfortable and secure once my little one grew out of the newborn phase.
I started with the basic criss-cross carry, which was recommended by the babywearing group I joined online. It was simple to learn and quite secure, although it took some getting used to having a small dependent being so close to me!

Once I got the hang of it, I ventured out to try the double sling carry with a woven wrap. It required some serious skill and practice, but the sense of achievement when I succeeded was immense! Unfortunately, it wasn't as comfortable for my little one, so I stuck to the good old criss-cross most of the time.

I heard great things about the hip carry, which I tried a few times, but found that it put too much pressure on my hips, so I didn't use it often. I think it's wonderful how different carries suit different situations and babies - a real art to master!
I agree! Babywearing was a lifesaver for me too, especially with my toddler running around. The bond you form while babywearing is incredible and it's such a natural way to keep them calm and close to you.

Did you have a favorite carry or hold? I found that the hip carry was the most comfortable and secure once my little one grew out of the newborn phase.
The hip carry is definitely a game-changer once they grow a bit bigger! I also liked the criss-cross hold with the wrap - it was easy to nurse discreetly using this method, which was a real bonus for those early feeding stages. I never mastered the back carry, though I saw experienced babywearers make it look so effortless! Some wraps are certainly easier than others - I had a simple stretchy one too which was cozy and quick to wrap on the go. I also found that babywearing helped with my postpartum recovery; felt like the extra support was beneficial for my core and back, especially after being hunched over during childbirth!
Great points! The various carry positions can definitely make a huge difference in comfort levels and convenience. The criss-cross hold is a favourite for discreet nursing, and it's so handy when you're out and about.

It's amazing how babywearing can help with posture and recovery - it's a full body workout and support system all in one! Stretchy wraps are so cozy and quick to manage, though I found it tricky to get the tightness right sometimes.

Did anyone else find that some carries worked better for certain situations than others? I felt like each one had its own learning curve!
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Great points! The various carry positions can definitely make a huge difference in comfort levels and convenience. The criss-cross hold is a favourite for discreet nursing, and it's so handy when you're out and about.

It's amazing how babywearing can help with posture and recovery - it's a full body workout and support system all in one! Stretchy wraps are so cozy and quick to manage, though I found it tricky to get the tightness right sometimes.

Did anyone else find that some carries worked better for certain situations than others? I felt like each one had its own learning curve!
I also felt that certain carries were better suited for different occasions. When we went out grocery shopping or for a walk in the park, I preferred carries that were quick and easy to adjust, like the ones with a ring sling or meh dai carrier. They were less fiddly than wrapping, though a good wrap really came into its own when trying to soothe an extra fussy baby. Something about the tight hugs provided by a wrap seemed more comforting!

For around the house, I often used a simple front carry, which was effortless to do with either a sling or a woven wrap. It was convenient for accessing storage spaces and bending down to pick up toys, with my little one snugly seated on my hip.
Great points! The various carry positions can definitely make a huge difference in comfort levels and convenience. The criss-cross hold is a favourite for discreet nursing, and it's so handy when you're out and about.

It's amazing how babywearing can help with posture and recovery - it's a full body workout and support system all in one! Stretchy wraps are so cozy and quick to manage, though I found it tricky to get the tightness right sometimes.

Did anyone else find that some carries worked better for certain situations than others? I felt like each one had its own learning curve!
Each carry has its pros and cons and is better suited to different scenarios. I found that the apron hold was brilliant when I was cooking or doing some light housework as it kept my baby snug and happy just below my chest level, giving me plenty of room to maneuver. The side hip hold was also handy for quick trips outdoors or when I needed more freedom in my arms but still wanted the baby close by.

The different carries really do require some serious skill to master - I remember feeling like a seasoned babywearing pro after figuring out the intricate back carry! It was a great sense of achievement. But it's also such an art that each baby and situation demands a different skill, so it's a continuous learning process for sure.
I also felt that certain carries were better suited for different occasions. When we went out grocery shopping or for a walk in the park, I preferred carries that were quick and easy to adjust, like the ones with a ring sling or meh dai carrier. They were less fiddly than wrapping, though a good wrap really came into its own when trying to soothe an extra fussy baby. Something about the tight hugs provided by a wrap seemed more comforting!

For around the house, I often used a simple front carry, which was effortless to do with either a sling or a woven wrap. It was convenient for accessing storage spaces and bending down to pick up toys, with my little one snugly seated on my hip.
Different carries certainly come in handy for different situations! Ring slings and meh dais are so handy for quick outings, you're right! And nothing beats the snugness of a good wrap for fussier days - almost like baby swaddling on the go. The front carry is a mum's best friend for everyday tasks; it's amazing how much one can do with a little one tucked safely in front!
Absolutely! As a new mom, I've found that having different options for carrying my little one has been a lifesaver. Each carry/sling has come in handy in different situations. The snuggly wrap definitely comes first to mind for those fussy days - it's almost like having an extra set of arms! And the front carry has definitely made running errands so much easier; I can keep her close while still managing to get things done. It's such a relief not having to juggle a stroller everywhere too!
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Absolutely! As a new mom, I've found that having different options for carrying my little one has been a lifesaver. Each carry/sling has come in handy in different situations. The snuggly wrap definitely comes first to mind for those fussy days - it's almost like having an extra set of arms! And the front carry has definitely made running errands so much easier; I can keep her close while still managing to get things done. It's such a relief not having to juggle a stroller everywhere too!
The variety really helps with newborn care. Having different carrying options is like having several tricks up your sleeve for whenever you need them! It's fascinating how each carry has its distinct purpose and use, like a secret weapon to calm a crying baby. And it's a great workout for your upper body, too - the front carry especially works wonders for building those mom strength!
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The variety really helps with newborn care. Having different carrying options is like having several tricks up your sleeve for whenever you need them! It's fascinating how each carry has its distinct purpose and use, like a secret weapon to calm a crying baby. And it's a great workout for your upper body, too - the front carry especially works wonders for building those mom strength!
It's true! Being a new mom is a physical workout with all the lifting and carrying, but it's so rewarding. Using different carrying holds certainly helps keep things varied and prevents monotony. I find that being able to keep up with various carries helps build confidence too - it feels good to adeptly throw on a ring sling and have everything you need ready for an adventure!
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