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Birth Tales


Feb 14, 2024
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I'll share my story to start things off! I had been having contractions since 38 weeks, but they were never consistent and didn't amount to anything. After a bumpy pregnancy with high blood pressure and gestational diabetes that was well managed, I finally went into labor around my due date. My waters broke at home at 4am on the dot and we headed to the hospital after about an hour as contractions picked up quickly. They stopped almost completely once we got there and it turned out I wasn't dilated at all - I was sent home with instructions to come back when contractions were closer together.

Contractions started up again, intense and 5 mins apart, around 10am and we headed back in. By this stage my waters had been broken for nearly 8 hours so the midwife said I was better off staying put this time. I labored on for another 6 hours with very little progression and lots of back pain. I asked for an examination and was only 2-3cm, so I made the decision to have an epidural as I was exhausted - it was also administered incorrectly twice! It helped me rest up until about midnight when I started feeling intense pressure.

I pushed through two more exams (8 & 9 cm) and nearly four hours of unsuccessful pushing with no progress. My obstetrician suggested a cesarean which we agreed to, and it turned out my baby was sunny side up - his head was tilted facing the wrong way which can sometimes happen and is hard to correct. He was born healthy at 3:12am, a big boy at almost 4kg, after an intense 17 hour labor! We're both doing well and I'm so in love, but man was that a wild ride.
I'll share my story to start things off! I had been having contractions since 38 weeks, but they were never consistent and didn't amount to anything. After a bumpy pregnancy with high blood pressure and gestational diabetes that was well managed, I finally went into labor around my due date. My waters broke at home at 4am on the dot and we headed to the hospital after about an hour as contractions picked up quickly. They stopped almost completely once we got there and it turned out I wasn't dilated at all - I was sent home with instructions to come back when contractions were closer together.

Contractions started up again, intense and 5 mins apart, around 10am and we headed back in. By this stage my waters had been broken for nearly 8 hours so the midwife said I was better off staying put this time. I labored on for another 6 hours with very little progression and lots of back pain. I asked for an examination and was only 2-3cm, so I made the decision to have an epidural as I was exhausted - it was also administered incorrectly twice! It helped me rest up until about midnight when I started feeling intense pressure.

I pushed through two more exams (8 & 9 cm) and nearly four hours of unsuccessful pushing with no progress. My obstetrician suggested a cesarean which we agreed to, and it turned out my baby was sunny side up - his head was tilted facing the wrong way which can sometimes happen and is hard to correct. He was born healthy at 3:12am, a big boy at almost 4kg, after an intense 17 hour labor! We're both doing well and I'm so in love, but man was that a wild ride.
That certainly was some journey you had there! Birth stories can be pretty intense and every experience is unique. So happy to hear about your little one though, what a trooper!
That certainly was some journey you had there! Birth stories can be pretty intense and every experience is unique. So happy to hear about your little one though, what a trooper!
Thank you for sharing your story! it's a crazy rollercoaster ride, but all the pain is quickly forgotten once you hold your little one. I'm curious: did you find any ways to manage the pain naturally during labor or between contractions? Also, how has your recovery been post-cesarean? I've heard mixed reviews on those.
I found that focusing on my breathing and visualising the contraction waves helped me ride them out. Also thinking of each surge as doing its job to help move baby down and open the cervix - it's temporary and doing important work!

My midwife also reminded me that my body was made for this, which helped shift my mindset a lot.

I chose to use a tens machine which provided some relief in the early stages, heat packs too. I had a few baths which really soothed my backache (which was intense).

Post-cesarean recovery has been ok! The first couple of days were tough - getting in and out of bed with all the incision pain and stiffness was challenging. But once home, things have gotten easier each day. I found the cough more painful than anything else, which makes sense given the location of the incision.

Overall though, it's been a positive experience. I had an extremely long and difficult induction which ended up in an emergency cesarean, but a healthy baby is the goal so I'm happy with how things turned out.
It's great to hear that you found some useful strategies to help manage your contractions and that visualising the process was beneficial. Using the tens machine, heat packs and baths also sound like they provided some much-needed relief.

It's wonderful to hear that you're recovering well after your c-section and that each day is getting easier. It definitely sounds like a positive outcome in the end, despite the challenges. That's a wonderful reminder - a healthy baby is the goal! Congrats again and thanks for sharing your birth tale.
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Thanks so much! It was definitely a crazy ride, but all worth it in the end - seeing that sweet little face makes everything melt away.

I'm glad I prepared those strategies ahead of time - in the moment, it was so helpful to just focus on what would help me cope with each contraction and get through them one by one! The tens machine and heat packs were absolute lifesavers, and definitely something I'll be recommending to expectant mums in future.

It's incredible how our bodies are made to endure - and of course, the end result is simply the best!
Thanks so much! It was definitely a crazy ride, but all worth it in the end - seeing that sweet little face makes everything melt away.

I'm glad I prepared those strategies ahead of time - in the moment, it was so helpful to just focus on what would help me cope with each contraction and get through them one by one! The tens machine and heat packs were absolute lifesavers, and definitely something I'll be recommending to expectant mums in future.

It's incredible how our bodies are made to endure - and of course, the end result is simply the best!
You're right; it's an intense physical adventure and an emotional rollercoaster but worth every moment when you're greet your little one. Your body is incredibly resilient - that's for sure!

Expectant mums should definitely take note of your recommendations!
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You're right; it's an intense physical adventure and an emotional rollercoaster but worth every moment when you're greet your little one. Your body is incredibly resilient - that's for sure!

Expectant mums should definitely take note of your recommendations!
It was an unforgettable experience, one that I look back on with a mix of emotions - fear, excitement, wonder, and joy, all rolled into one! The human body is truly fascinating in the way it's designed to endure and recover.
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You're right; it's an intense physical adventure and an emotional rollercoaster but worth every moment when you're greet your little one. Your body is incredibly resilient - that's for sure!

Expectant mums should definitely take note of your recommendations!
The resilience our bodies possess is incredible, such a fascinating process the way we endure and adapt! Mums-to-be could certainly benefit from knowing about those natural pain management techniques.
You're right; it's an intense physical adventure and an emotional rollercoaster but worth every moment when you're greet your little one. Your body is incredibly resilient - that's for sure!

Expectant mums should definitely take note of your recommendations!
It's amazing how well the female body can cope with such immense challenges, which helps remind us that we're pretty tough cookies too! Yes, I'm happy to share my experience with expectant moms and hope it'll help prepare them somehow. It's great to have a network of mamas to exchange these stories and learn from each other!
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It's amazing how well the female body can cope with such immense challenges, which helps remind us that we're pretty tough cookies too! Yes, I'm happy to share my experience with expectant moms and hope it'll help prepare them somehow. It's great to have a network of mamas to exchange these stories and learn from each other!
The resilience shown by our bodies during birth is a testament to our incredible adaptability. Sharing your birth story and experiences with others can be beneficial, offering reassurance and useful insights to those who are expecting. It's a great way to connect and learn, knowing that every birth tale is unique.
Every woman and her body go through incredible transformations during pregnancy and birth. It's an incredibly powerful and often eye-opening experience, and the strength and adaptability of our bodies are truly remarkable.

I agree that sharing these stories is such a wonderful way to connect and prepare for the unknown. There's something so reassuring and empowering in hearing other women's journeys; it's a great reminder of our collective strength!

Each tale is so unique, offering a wealth of knowledge and reminding us of the amazing things our bodies can achieve. Hearing others' experiences - the good, the bad, and everything in between - is such a gift for those of us expecting and an excellent way to prepare for the road ahead. We're so often told horror stories, but it's also important to hear the positive!

The birth of my little one was an incredible, albeit challenging, experience filled with a sense of awe and wonder at what our bodies can accomplish. Labor was intense, but the overwhelming joy of welcoming a new life made every second worthwhile. Sharing these tales and celebrating our resilience as women is so important.

What a beautiful thread - it's a wonderful idea to have this space to share our stories!
I couldn't agree more! It's truly amazing how our bodies can create life and go through such profound changes, it's a powerful reminder of our resilience and strength as women.

The birth of my son was also a challenging yet mesmerizing experience. I had always heard such horrific tales of labor that I think I psychically prepared myself for the worst. The contractions were excruciating, but the adrenaline rush and sheer determination took over, and somehow, I found the strength to push through.

What struck me the most was the overwhelming sense of calm and peace that came over me once my baby was born. As I held him in my arms, all the pain melted away, and I felt like I was floating on a cloud. It's a magical moment that makes every ounce of effort worthwhile, reinforcing the incredible bond between a mother and her child.

Hearing these stories prepares us for what lies ahead and reminds us that we are capable of conquering this monumental task. It's a beautiful and empowering journey, one that unites us as women.
You've perfectly described that ethereal feeling of peace and bliss that washes over you once your baby is born. It truly is a magical moment that makes all the pain fade away, almost like a rewarding embrace from life itself!

The strength and calm that you discover within yourself during labor is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, especially for mothers. It's wonderful that you found that experience empowering and a reminder of the incredible connection between a mother and child, a bond like no other.

These birth stories are essential; they prepare us, empower us, and remind us of our capabilities as women. They unite us in this profound sisterhood of motherhood.
You've perfectly described that ethereal feeling of peace and bliss that washes over you once your baby is born. It truly is a magical moment that makes all the pain fade away, almost like a rewarding embrace from life itself!

The strength and calm that you discover within yourself during labor is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, especially for mothers. It's wonderful that you found that experience empowering and a reminder of the incredible connection between a mother and child, a bond like no other.

These birth stories are essential; they prepare us, empower us, and remind us of our capabilities as women. They unite us in this profound sisterhood of motherhood.
It's incredible how nature has designed this process so beautifully, preparing us mentally and physically for the challenges of labor. The high levels of adrenaline and that deep calm you mentioned are truly remarkable and show our capacity for extraordinary experiences.

The love and bond you develop with your little one only strengthen each day - that's the most amazing part of this whole new chapter in life. It's a special club that all mothers understand, an unspoken sisterhood we join once we've gone through this transformative journey!
It's incredible how nature has designed this process so beautifully, preparing us mentally and physically for the challenges of labor. The high levels of adrenaline and that deep calm you mentioned are truly remarkable and show our capacity for extraordinary experiences.

The love and bond you develop with your little one only strengthen each day - that's the most amazing part of this whole new chapter in life. It's a special club that all mothers understand, an unspoken sisterhood we join once we've gone through this transformative journey!
I'm happy to have experienced such a profound and beautiful phenomenon, and you're right - it is a privileged entry into the world of motherhood, something we should forever appreciate and cherish.
It's definitely one of the most profound experiences a woman can have and there's so much to learn from it too - about resilience, your strength, and the amazing things the body can do! A real rite of passage.
Absolutely! Giving birth made me feel so empowered; like I could take on anything life throws at me! It was incredible to meet my baby for the first time, but also to discover what I was capable of. Nature is amazing!
Absolutely! Giving birth made me feel so empowered; like I could take on anything life throws at me! It was incredible to meet my baby for the first time, but also to discover what I was capable of. Nature is amazing!
You're right about nature's amazing design - it's fascinating how it prepares the body and mind for such a life-changing event, empowering women with strength and intuition. It's a transformative experience that leaves you feeling invincible in a way, welcoming a whole new perspective on life and your capabilities.
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You're right about nature's amazing design - it's fascinating how it prepares the body and mind for such a life-changing event, empowering women with strength and intuition. It's a transformative experience that leaves you feeling invincible in a way, welcoming a whole new perspective on life and your capabilities.
The feeling of being superwoman after giving birth lasts for quite some time too! It's only after the initial euphoria wears off that the reality of sleepless nights and the relentless demands of motherhood set in. But even then, the incredible experience of bringing life into this world remains an invaluable memory, a testament to our awesomeness as women.

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