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Birth tales that will warm your heart


Feb 29, 2024
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Several mothers share their birth stories in this conversation, relating the quick, smooth, and relatively painless experiences of their deliveries. Most of them mention the incredible feeling of love and warmth they felt during the immediate snuggles with their newborns right after birth - an overwhelming and magical experience. There's a sense of gratitude for these lucky, smooth sailing births, especially as many mothers have much more difficult and painful stories to share on this topic. The pure, intense love and joy experienced in the newborn phase, along with the amazing strength of a woman's body during labor, are all highlighted in these comments. First-time mom sunnydays set the trend, and the other women responded with their agreements and similar, heartwarming stories filled with snuggles, love, and wonder.

I'll go first! My little one was due on Dec 4th but I woke up at 3AM on Nov 29th with very mild but regular contractions. They continued throughout the day and into the evening so we went to the hospital after midnight when they were about 7 min apart.

When we got there, they checked me and I was only 1 cm but they admitted us anyway since my contractions were consistent. My water broke on its own around 4AM and things intensified quickly from there. By 5:30 I was feeling the urge to push and baby girl arrived at 6:11AM, just an hour and a half after admission!

It was such a quick but amazing experience and I'm so grateful it went smoothly since it was my first time. Seeing her immediately snuggle up against me after birth just filled my heart with love - it's truly a magical feeling! She's almost 3 weeks old now and each day is more fun than the last!
Wow! Your little one sure came quickly! Lucky you didn’t have to suffer too long in labour pain. Sounds like a smooth and heartwarming experience which is so wonderful 😊 Hearing that snuggling sound after birth must’ve been so comforting! Enjoy every moment; time flies when they are so little!
Wow! Your little one sure came quickly! Lucky you didn’t have to suffer too long in labour pain. Sounds like a smooth and heartwarming experience which is so wonderful 😊 Hearing that snuggling sound after birth must’ve been so comforting! Enjoy every moment; time flies when they are so little!
Yeah, I'm so glad everything went smoothly for you! The snuggling moments after birth are the best and it's amazing how fast these little ones grow - enjoy all the precious moments!


Yeah, I'm so glad everything went smoothly for you! The snuggling moments after birth are the best and it's amazing how fast these little ones grow - enjoy all the precious moments!

Wah seh! Your delivery story sounds like a breeze! Lucky you! So different from my first born hor... I was in labour for 14 hours and had to suction and all that. But ya, agree that the cuddles after are so heart warming. That bond, nothing can explain it man.
Wah seh! Your delivery story sounds like a breeze! Lucky you! So different from my first born hor... I was in labour for 14 hours and had to suction and all that. But ya, agree that the cuddles after are so heart warming. That bond, nothing can explain it man.
It's truly a unique and overwhelming joy that bonds us mums together!
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It's truly a unique and overwhelming joy that bonds us mums together!
So nice to hear that your first birth experience was smooth-sailing! Not all of us mums are so lucky leh. But yep, that intense love and snuggles right after is really something else man. Baby snuggled up on you straight away - so precious! Congrats again!
So nice to hear that your first birth experience was smooth-sailing! Not all of us mums are so lucky leh. But yep, that intense love and snuggles right after is really something else man. Baby snuggled up on you straight away - so precious! Congrats again!
Not everyone has such smooth sailing birth stories! You were very lucky your first time around. But yup, that fresh newborn snuggles is really something special. Thanks for sharing your heartwarming story!


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Not everyone has such smooth sailing birth stories! You were very lucky your first time around. But yup, that fresh newborn snuggles is really something special. Thanks for sharing your heartwarming story!

I know right! We should consider ourselves lucky then! It's such a blur and precious time, that newborn phase. And the love you feel during those first few days is really overwhelming and so pure. Snuggles with my fresh newborn, straight out of the oven - priceless man!

Do share your birth stories too! Would love to hear them!
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Wow, your little one's birth story sounds so heartwarming and magical! It must have been an incredible experience, especially with how smoothly everything went. So happy for you that everything turned out well, and hope you're enjoying every moment with your new bundle of joy!
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Wah, your little one knew better than to overstay her welcome! Lucky you, having a smooth delivery, and so quickly too. And now she's such a big girl already, almost 3 weeks old, time sure flies hor? Enjoy every moment - they grow up so fast can finish your heart ah.
Wow! What a smooth and quick delivery! You're so lucky it went so well, and that you had such a positive experience - especially for a FTM! I remember the feeling of my little one snuggling up against me immediately after birth too; it's an indescribable feeling isn't it? So warm and fuzzy! Congrats again on your new arrival!
Wow! What a smooth and quick delivery! You're so lucky it went so well, and that you had such a positive experience - especially for a FTM! I remember the feeling of my little one snuggling up against me immediately after birth too; it's an indescribable feeling isn't it? So warm and fuzzy! Congrats again on your new arrival!
Not everyone's delivery story has such a happy ending; you are one lucky mama! That was a really fast delivery, and it's great that everything went well despite it being your first time.

The post-birth cuddles are the best! You don't forget such special moments. Each phase gets better and cuter from here.
Not everyone's delivery story has such a happy ending; you are one lucky mama! That was a really fast delivery, and it's great that everything went well despite it being your first time.

The post-birth cuddles are the best! You don't forget such special moments. Each phase gets better and cuter from here.
It's true; I've heard plenty of scary birth stories, so I'm really grateful for my good experience. Lucky me Those initial snuggles are just the best, aren't they? There's nothing quite like it.
Yup, I feel really blessed that things went so smoothly! Could have been a very different story though, since first births can be quite unpredictable right! But ya, those early days were a blur of joy and wonderment - and exhaustion haha. That newborn smell also cannot be beat. Mmmm...


Wah! Your little one came super fast huh! So lucky everything went smooth sailing too - sounds like a dream come true! I think it's so amazing how our bodies are made to do this incredible thing. Nature is so cool! Congrats again!
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Wow, your little one came quickly! That's amazing how well and smoothly everything went, especially for a first-time mum! It's so true what they say about the overwhelming love you feel for your child right from the start - such a magical feeling Congrats again, and enjoy every moment with your precious girl!
Wah so fast one! My labour also fast but not as speedy as yours - 3 hours from admission to birth. I also thought it was so smooth and easy, until the after-pain hit me. Hahaha! But yep, that initial high when you first hold your baby is really something else man. So heart warming hor.


Wah so fast one! My labour also fast but not as speedy as yours - 3 hours from admission to birth. I also thought it was so smooth and easy, until the after-pain hit me. Hahaha! But yep, that initial high when you first hold your baby is really something else man. So heart warming hor.

Ya, that initial bond is truly something special. The pain somehow just flies out the window then haha. Congrats on your bundle of joy too!
Ya, that initial bond is truly something special. The pain somehow just flies out the window then haha. Congrats on your bundle of joy too!
Thank you! Ya, it's an incredible feeling that makes everything so worthwhile. Some say it's like love at first sight. It's a very powerful and heartwarming experience indeed.
I'm still floating in that newborn bubble where time stops existing - except when you're up with a cluster feeder! Haha! Enjoying every moment though, they grow up so fast!
Yup, smooth sailing, didn't even need an epidural or anything. Lucky me had a natural pain reliever - the excitement and adrenaline were pumping throughout my entire labour! The midwives said it was pretty uncommon for first-time moms to have such a quick and straightforward delivery. I'm just so in awe of what our bodies can do!

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