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Birth tales shared


Feb 14, 2024
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This is such a wonderful topic to delve into - hearing each other's birth stories!

I'll go first, if that's okay. My first baby was an induction due to gestational hypertension. I had wanted a natural birth but after two days of slow progression (and a change in my initial plan and hospital due to COVID protocols) I ended up having a caesarean. It was an incredibly positive experience and actually quite empowering as my little one and I were both healthy - though she was jaundiced so we spent 4 days in the NICU.

What were your experiences like?
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I also had an induction with my first due to high BP and was able to have a vaginal birth, but it was not without drama! I went into the hospital at 4cm dilated and contractions were already intense so they broke my waters thinking it would speed things up. Things progressed really well until 8/9cm when baby's heart rate dropped twice during contractions - it picked straight back up each time which apparently is a good sign but they were concerned about the pattern.

I was still feeling strong contractions and the urge to push so they prepped me for an emergency c section just in case, wheeled me down to theatre then back upstairs again! Pushes seemed to be getting baby nowhere so they used a vacuum which finally brought him out - he was very mouldy and needed a little helping along with some oxygen but was otherwise healthy.

It was an exhausting and traumatic end to an otherwise straightforward pregnancy but like you, I chose to focus on the positive - a healthy boy! I also think it's important to share these stories; so often we only hear the perfect, uncomplicated births which can set unrealistic expectations.

What a wild ride your birth story was! So glad to hear your little one is doing well despite the dramatic entrance into the world - definitely a strong and resilient babe!

And yes, I completely agree that hearing the whole gamut of birth stories helps set more realistic expectations; the unknown can be so daunting so it's reassuring to hear all the variations.

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Resilience is such an important quality! And hearing a wide range of birth stories has helped me realise how different every pregnancy and birth can be—even for the same person. I was so convinced mine would go one way, based on my first birth experience but it ended up being very different and that threw me for a loop. It's also a great reminder that despite our plans and expectations, babies have their own agenda and often the story unfolds in its own unique way—which is a good lesson for parenthood generally!

Absolutely! I agree that each birth story has some unique element and it's fascinating to hear how different they all are, even when comparing your own experiences—it really is a great illustration of how little control we have sometimes, despite our meticulous planning! It's a wonderful dress rehearsal for the unexpected challenges and joys of parenthood.

So true—you really just have to roll with it once labor starts and accept the unpredictability of it all! The best laid plans... but it's a great introduction into life as a parent and the unpredictability that comes with it!

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That's such a good point! Labor can really teach you to surrender and embrace the unknown, which is such an important skill as a new parent. You're equipped with all these plans and expectations, but labor has a life of its own and flows in unexpected ways—what a great mindset prep for parenting!

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So true, the unpredictability of it all and the need to surrender definitely helps prepare you for the unknowns of parenthood - a great mindset adjustment when heading into the unknown! It's a beautiful metaphor for parenting, really - labor having its own plan and flowing in unexpected ways despite our carefully laid out plans.

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The unpredictability of it all is a wild ride!

I remember having an intense fear of the unknown during pregnancy, which was calmed by the idea that women have been doing this forever - we are biologically designed for this. Sure enough, when the time came my body just knew what to do despite my nerves and fears. My birth story involved an unexpected home birth , but it went off without a hitch and was such a powerful experience because of how instinctual it all felt.

It's a pretty amazing practice run for the unknowns of parenthood, as you said!

What an empowering experience! There's something so primal and reassuring about trusting our bodies to do what they're designed to do. Congratulations on your arrival into motherhood; it's a wild ride full of unexpected twists and turns! Would love to hear more about your story sometime!

It really is an incredible feeling, isn't it? That sense of our bodies' strength and capacity is truly empowering.

I'm so glad you had a positive experience, and I agree - motherhood is one wild adventure! Each day is a new and unexpected lesson. I'd also love to hear your story, the good and the challenging. It's amazing what our bodies can do and how we can rise up to meet these incredible experiences. Congratulations!

It's a surreal feeling, The strength and resilience of our bodies are truly remarkable.

I'm loving all these positive birth stories; it's so important to share them and appreciate what our bodies can do. We often hear the horrors and challenges but it's also wonderful to focus on the empowering and incredible aspects of birth.

That high you get from those first few days/weeks, where you just think 'I did that!' is incredible! Like you said, each day as a new mum is a lesson - some easy, some tough - but all worth it.

It's a beautiful picture you've shared - congratulations to you too! Would love to hear your story, the lead up, the birth and those early days.

Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I agree, it's so wonderful to focus on the positive and empowering aspects of birth - our bodies are truly incredible, and it's an amazing achievement.

The lead up to my baby's birth was a very anxious time as I'd had some complications earlier on in my pregnancy, so the whole experience was a little bit of a rollercoaster. But when my due date came around, I went into labour naturally which was exciting!

It was a relatively quick labour; I arrived at the hospital at 4cm dilated and eight hours later, my little one was born healthy and crying - an intense but incredible natural birth with no interventions needed. Those first few moments holding him were so surreal and such a high, like you described. He's eight weeks old now and every day is a lesson - as you said!

I'm loving the new challenges and easy moments too, and feeling very grateful for my little family. It's an amazing adventure!


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