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Birth Story


Jan 28, 2024
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I'll start off by saying this - there is no such thing as a normal birth and every experience is uniquely wonderful and terrifying all at the same time!

My story begins with a due date of [date]. I was determined to go into labor naturally since I had heard so many stories of interventions leading to a cascade of further procedures. Luckily, myOB/GYN was very hands-off and let me decide on my course of treatment throughout.

I had been having consistent and regular contractions since 38 weeks, which didn't amount to much in terms of dilation - I was only 1cm when checked at my weekly appointment that week. The contractions continued through the next two weeks, growing more intense but still bearable. I tried walking, climbing stairs, bouncing on an exercise ball, and even a Membrane Sweep at 40 weeks which I think helped things along.

Finally, at 41 weeks 3 days, after a long night of contractions that woke me every hour, I went into the hospital the next morning. I was 3cm and they admitted me since I was also group B strep positive - better safe than sorry! Things progressed slowly, and an examination a few hours later showed I was only at 4cm, so the midwives suggested augmenting with Pitocin which they said would also help speed along the process.

That's exactly what happened - within 2 hours I went from 4 to 6 cm and my water broke on its own! From there things moved quickly. I labored in the shower for a bit, then tried some gas to manage the pain which was intense but bearable. After that came the really good stuff - an epidural which took the edge off immensely. I was able to rest up for what was coming next and progressed to 10cm after about 12 hours of labor.

It was time to push! This was by far the hardest work I've ever done in my life - pushing for over 2 hours with the midwife encouraging me every step of the way. But finally, there he (or she!) was - my beautiful baby, crying and healthy as could be despite the lengthy labor.

Looking back, it was an incredible experience that I'd happily do again (minus the 2.5-hour pushing phase!). There's something incredibly empowering about going through all that pain and coming out the other side with your own little person - worth every single second! Can't wait to hear everyone else's stories - the more details, the better!
What a great birth story! It sounds like you had a really supportive medical team and found an approach that worked for you.

I also tried to avoid interventions for as long as possible, but unlike you, I only made it to 3cm after weeks of contractions and so ended up with a surgical birth. Your body is incredible and it's so true that the pain is soon forgotten once you hold your new baby. Congratulations! Can't wait to hear more details too - there's something so special about birth stories.

Thank you so much for your kind words! It's amazing how resilient our bodies are and incredible the things they can do—and you're so right; as soon as you hold that baby in your arms, it all becomes worth it and the pain melts away.

I feel incredibly lucky to have had such a supportive team because I know that makes all the difference. Every step of the way, from the moment we checked in, the midwives, nurses, and doctors were so encouraging and understanding—they really helped me stay calm and focused.

It's fascinating how every birth story is unique; even though some of us have intervention-led births, it's amazing how our bodies and babies guide us to the perfect path for their arrival. Surgical birth is certainly a daunting experience, but it's incredible how advanced medicine is these days and what options we have available to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our little ones.

I'd love to hear your story too—any chance you're planning a birth story blog post or something similar? There really is something so special about sharing our experiences; they're powerful and empowering, especially when they have a happy ending!

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I'm so glad you had a supportive team to help you through your birth experience - it really does make all the difference!

You're also very right about our bodies' incredible resilience and strength, and it's truly astonishing how unique yet powerful each woman's journey is.

I do plan on writing a birth story post eventually—it's such a special and memorable experience that sharing the journey and its impact can be so beneficial to others and myself. I think it helps to normalize the many different paths a birth can take, which is so important for new moms-to-be!

The more we share our stories, the more we realize how remarkable this whole process is and the more we appreciate the strength and courage within us we didn't know we had. Can't wait to read your birth story post when it comes!

I completely agree - normalizing the many different paths of birth is so essential, and it's something I've been thinking a lot about recently as well. We place so much emphasis on the physical aspects of birth, but there's so much more to it; an individual's psychological and emotional experience is also so crucial.

I'm looking forward to reading your upcoming birth story too, and I hope you'll find that sharing it is a wonderful way to process and reflect on the incredible journey you've embarked on! It's amazing how writing down these memories helps us make peace with all the twists and turns.

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I couldn't agree more - the emotional and psychological experience of it all is so unique and such a huge part of the journey. I feel like that aspect often gets overlooked, which is a real shame.

I'm excited and a little nervous to share my story soon - it's certainly a wild ride! Processing all the twists and turns has been incredible and also quite healing. I'm looking forward to reading your story too and hearing about your journey!

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I'm so glad you're finding it a healing experience, I feel exactly the same - it's such a powerful thing to go through and process. I felt like my body was on a wild rollercoaster, but emotionally I was on another even crazier ride!

The build up to sharing can be nerve wracking, but exciting too - look forward to reading your story!

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I'm so glad you understand the emotional rollercoaster aspect - that's exactly what I want to convey and it's such a relief when someone else gets it! The nerves are definitely there too, but sharing has been helping me process everything and makes me feel empowered, so I'm excited as well. I hope I can do justice to the whole experience - birth is an incredible thing!

You're doing a wonderful job already—just by acknowledging the rollercoaster of emotions, you're giving your birth story the depth and justice it deserves! It's such an intense experience; sharing it can be empowering. I'm sure your storytelling will leave a profound impact on anyone who hears or reads it. Birth is an incredible phenomenon, and your enthusiasm to share this amazing experience shines through your words.

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Thank you! I'm nervous about sharing it because it's so raw and vulnerable, but also excited to share such a profound life experience. It's nice to have some encouragement, so thank you for your kind words! I hope whoever reads it gets a sense of the wonder and power of childbirth even in the midst of the chaos that I felt!

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You've summed up why birth stories are so incredible - they're a testament to the wonder and power of the human experience. There's so much emotion and strength within them, it's an honor to hear them and feel that energy. I'm sure yours will be amazing and have a profound impact on whoever reads it - go for it, Mama!

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Thank you so much for your encouragement! I agree, birth stories are incredible - they showcase our resilience and capacity for awe-inspiring feats. Hoping to share mine soon and have it resonate with someone out there!

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They're truly remarkable, these birth stories. Each one unique and powerful in their own right—a testament to the strength and courage of mothers everywhere. Can't wait for you to share yours!

I still remember the day my son was born, like it was yesterday. It was a Friday afternoon—a scorching hot Sydney summer's day. I had been having some irregular contractions since the early hours, but being a first-time mum, I wasn't sure if this was 'it' or not. After a long, slow build-up and a few trips to the hospital that resulted in being sent home again, my labour really got going around dinnertime.

It was intense—far more painful than I had imagined—but somehow, the endorphins kicked in, and I found a rhythm and a focus that helped me through each contraction. Then, suddenly, the room went dark as a storm rolled in, and nature seemed to echo my fierce labour struggles. Before I knew it, it was time to push. It was almost a relief after the intensity of the previous hours.

I pushed for nearly two hours—it was exhausting, but somehow, the determination within me burned brighter than the pain. Then, with one final push and a huge relief, my baby boy was born, crying loudly, his head full of dark hair. They placed him on my chest, and in that moment, the whole room lit up with joy and relief.

Looking back, it was a wild, primal ride—an experience that changed me forever, in the most wonderful way. I felt like a warrior—the ultimate test of mind over body. There's nothing quite like the feeling of bringing life into the world. Absolutely incredible.

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What an incredible birth story! You've described the intensity and raw power of labour so vividly, it took me right back to my own childbirth experiences. The way you describe the feeling of determination burning brighter than the pain really resonates—it's an unforgettable sense of empowerment. Congratulations on your little boy; here's to the many more amazing moments ahead as he grows!


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