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Birth Story Tales


Mar 15, 2024
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Childbirth is one of the most intense experiences many women will ever go through in their lives. Some moms described quick and intense births while others had a slower process but all of them agree it's a precious memory despite the pain and challenges. The physical pain during labor is immense, with contractions shaking their bodies and intense pressure during pushing. The reward at the end however - holding your newborn baby for the first time - makes it all worth it, melting away any trace of fear or exhaustion left in their bodies.

Some moms also spoke about how grateful they were to have a supportive partner or medical team helping them through labor. It seems that having a good support system makes a huge difference in managing pain and staying focused on the goal - meeting your new baby! Whether it's a quick labor or a long, slow process, first-time moms are often amazed at their bodies' capabilities and the sheer strength required to bring a new life into the world.

In addition, many moms reflected on the intensity of the experience but also the calm amidst the chaos, especially during those peaceful first moments after birth when baby is finally here and all seems right with the world. Each woman's childbirth journey may look different, but the profound impact of bringing a new human into existence bonds them together.

Share your birth stories here! Whether it's a short and sweet tale or one filled with adventure, we're here to listen and support. Birth stories of all shapes and sizes are welcome - go!
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Share your birth stories here! Whether it's a short and sweet tale or one filled with adventure, we're here to listen and support. Birth stories of all shapes and sizes are welcome - go!
My first birth experience started out slow and ended up fast and furious! Had back labour early on which slowed everything down but after that subsided, things moved quickly. Active labour only lasted about four hours with a very intense transition phase. Born at 38 weeks, my baby was healthy and weighed a whooping 4.2kg. Breastfeeding went well from the get-go too. Would have loved to say the same for recovery - but it took a while for me to feel normal again!

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My first labour was pretty quick. I reached the hospital at 9cm dilated so didn't need any interventions and gave birth six hours later. It felt like bad period cramps until the very last bit, when I had to really focus during contractions. Pushing the baby out was intense but such a relief! I did it without medication too, which was a proud moment for me 'cause I'm usually such a scaredy cat.

My first birth was an emergency c-section. I was so scared when the doctors told me I needed one. I had no idea what to expect and it all happened so fast. But it went smoothly, and my baby was born healthy, thank goodness. The recovery was hard though - I'm not gonna lie. But totally worth it!

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I labored in the shower for some time which helped ease the pain. After a few hours, my body started pushing instinctively. I barely pushed actively - my body did all the work while I focused on bearing the intense sensations.

Soon enough, my daughter was out, born in the water, with only minimal intervention and no medications. It felt like a blur - from the insane speed of events to the overwhelming emotions that followed. I was on such an emotional high, it's hard to describe the feeling! I remember thinking, wow, this is what all the fuss is about - what an amazing experience!

With two more kids after that, I can say each birth was unique, and each one an incredible adventure in its own right. They say it's an unforgettable journey, and it truly is!

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My first labour was relatively fast - only seven hours from the time my waters broke till I held my baby in my arms. But boy, was it intense!

I woke up at 3 a.m. with a vague backache. It didn't feel like period pain, but something was definitely up. I attributed it to the fact that I'd been nesting like crazy the past few days - scrubbing walls, mopping floors, and doing all those odd jobs around the house in preparation for my little one's arrival. After an hour or so, I woke up my husband and mentioned that we might have a baby today. Contractions were regular but manageable, about 10 minutes apart.

We arrived at the hospital around 6 a.m., and I was already three cm dilated. The midwife suggested we go for a walk to speed things up, as my labour was progressing well. I was feeling fairly comfortable, so we strolled the corridors for an hour, stopping every now and then for me to breathe through contractions. When we returned, I hopped in the shower, which felt amazing. The warm water massaging my back helped ease the pain - I could actually laugh between contractions!

Things intensified once I got out, though. I tried using the birthing ball but couldn't find a comfortable position. Each contraction was stronger and closer together. I asked for an epidural - but it was too late; I was already eight cm dilated, and my body was doing the bulk of the work. I remember feeling incredibly hot, like someone had turned up the thermostat to high, and my body was shaking uncontrollably.

Then, the urge to push came, and it was overwhelming - like the most intense need to poo of your life! I pushed for what felt like forever but was probably more like 30 minutes. The midwife encouraged me to reach down and feel my baby's head - it was so amazing and somewhat motivating! A few more pushes, and suddenly there was this wet, slippery little bundle in my arms.

Looking back, it was a wild ride, but somehow, the intensity didn't scare me off from having another go. Here I am, pregnant with number two!
When the day came, things didn't quite go according to plan. Labor started off with period-like cramps at 4am. We headed to the hospital after my contractions were about 5 mins apart and regular but by then, I was already 8cm dilated! Things moved very quickly from there and I had my little one vaginally, but with an epidural - which was definitely not the Hypnobirth I'd hoped for.

It was intense, painful, and beautiful all at once - I remember hearing him cry and thinking, "Wow, that came out of me!" He's 18 months old now, running around and keeping me on my toes!
When the day came, things didn't quite go according to plan. Labor started off with period-like cramps at 4am. We headed to the hospital after my contractions were about 5 mins apart and regular but by then, I was already 8cm dilated! Things moved very quickly from there and I had my little one vaginally, but with an epidural - which was definitely not the Hypnobirth I'd hoped for.

It was intense, painful, and beautiful all at once - I remember hearing him cry and thinking, "Wow, that came out of me!" He's 18 months old now, running around and keeping me on my toes!
That's quite the story! Quick labour, huh? Sounds intense, but it's amazing how much our bodies can accomplish. Must've been a wild ride.
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My water broke at 3 AM on a Friday morning. It felt like I had wet my bed. I didn't know what to expect, but my contractions started soon after, and they were intense! I knew it was gonna be a long day.

I barely slept that Friday, and by Saturday afternoon, I was exhausted and in so much pain. But when I held my baby for the first time - so tiny and wrinkly, and with a full head of hair - all the pain melted away. It's a moment I'll never forget!
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My first birth experience started with a huge jolt of fear. I'd heard so many horror stories about pregnancies and labour, especially the painful bits, that fear crept into my mind like an uninvited guest.

Contractions began at midnight, a dull ache that seemed like bad period pains. By 2am, they were intense and regular. We timed them - three minutes apart. Hospital, now!

An examination revealed I was already 7cm dilated. "You're doing great," the midwife said, her voice weary from a long night's work.

Labour progressed quickly. With each contraction, my body shook violently. I grasped the bed's metal bars, dug my nails into the palms of my hands, and focused on my breathing.

Then, a frightening development - the baby's heart rate dropped. Suddenly, there were doctors, monitors, and a scramble of activity. An emergency cesarean loomed, but luckily, the crisis passed.

After 14 hours of labour, my son was born. He didn't cry right away, which sent fear spearining through me. But then, with a robust wail, he announced his arrival.

When I held him, all fear dissipated. Tiredness, pain - it all melted away, and I knew that the difficult journey was worth it.

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My first birth experience started with a huge jolt of fear. I'd heard so many horror stories about pregnancies and labour, especially the painful bits, that fear crept into my mind like an uninvited guest.

Contractions began at midnight, a dull ache that seemed like bad period pains. By 2am, they were intense and regular. We timed them - three minutes apart. Hospital, now!

An examination revealed I was already 7cm dilated. "You're doing great," the midwife said, her voice weary from a long night's work.

Labour progressed quickly. With each contraction, my body shook violently. I grasped the bed's metal bars, dug my nails into the palms of my hands, and focused on my breathing.

Then, a frightening development - the baby's heart rate dropped. Suddenly, there were doctors, monitors, and a scramble of activity. An emergency cesarean loomed, but luckily, the crisis passed.

After 14 hours of labour, my son was born. He didn't cry right away, which sent fear spearining through me. But then, with a robust wail, he announced his arrival.

When I held him, all fear dissipated. Tiredness, pain - it all melted away, and I knew that the difficult journey was worth it.
What an adventure.
Contractions started soon after, but they were manageable at first. I tried to time them using a contraction timer app, but things got intense pretty quickly. We called the hospital and headed there in a cab, with contractions coming every three minutes or so by the time we reached.

It was a good thing we went to the hospital when we did. I was already 8cm dilated when they examined me, and things progressed swiftly from there. I labored mostly on my own with my husband by my side. He was great at helping me manage the pain, coaching me through each contraction.

When it came time to push, it felt so natural - my body seemed to know what to do. After about half an hour of pushing, our baby boy was born, crying loudly and looking around wide-eyed as if he couldn't believe he'd finally arrived!

It was a wild ride, but I'm grateful it was fairly quick and that we ended up with a healthy baby and no complications. I also credit the great team at the hospital for their awesome support throughout. It's definitely a day I'll never forget!
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I laboured at home for almost three days. Long and slow and I couldn't dilate past 7cm. Midwife suggested we transfer to the hospital for a possible induction. We went in, got hooked up to the monitor and suddenly my body just took off! Contractions came hard and fast, and I dilated quickly.

We barely made it to the birthing suite, and my little one was born less than an hour later - underwater, just as the sun was rising. So much blood, sweat and tears , but worth every moment.

My birth story is a happy blur of calm and chaos.
I was so scared and nervous while heading into the OT - the whole atmosphere was so different from the labor ward. The anesthesiologist tried four times to get the needle into my spine for the spinal anesthesia and it was so painful. Finally, he got it right and I felt relief as the numbness kicked in.

The surgery itself went by quickly. Within half an hour, my son was out - a tiny squealing bundle of joy. But I only got to hold him briefly before they took him away for checks. It was hard not having him with me skin-to-skin right after birth; it felt so strange not having him in my tummy after all those kicks and movements over the past nine months!

Still, even with a C-section, I think the first moments after childbirth are precious no matter how you deliver. They're special moments that you'll always remember!
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When we arrived at the hospital, I was already 8cm dilated. Things progressed swiftly and my body did most of the work instinctually - it felt primal. Within a few hours, my daughter was born - it was an intense but immensely empowering experience.

The whole process, from waters breaking to birth, was around seven hours. It was a wild ride, but I'm thankful it was quick and that my body knew what to do. Those early moments after birth were surreal - an indescribable high!

My first birth experience was long and drawn out - 24 hours from the first contraction! We went to the hospital twice before we finally got admitted after it became clear my dilating was progressing well.

The second time round, I opted for a home birth. The midwives checked on baby's position and said everything looked good for a home delivery. But what they didn't know was that my baby had turned posterior! So when contractions came every 3 minutes and lasted over a minute each, it became excruciating. Off to the hospital we went, and this time the pain was so intense I begged for an epidural. It numbed the pain but also stalled labour, and eventually a forceps delivery was required.

It left me shook up - I felt like my body failed me. But looking at my healthy baby boy made it all worth it. He's two now, running around full of energy and life!
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My first birth experience was long and drawn out - 24 hours from the first contraction! We went to the hospital twice before we finally got admitted after it became clear my dilating was progressing well.

The second time round, I opted for a home birth. The midwives checked on baby's position and said everything looked good for a home delivery. But what they didn't know was that my baby had turned posterior! So when contractions came every 3 minutes and lasted over a minute each, it became excruciating. Off to the hospital we went, and this time the pain was so intense I begged for an epidural. It numbed the pain but also stalled labour, and eventually a forceps delivery was required.

It left me shook up - I felt like my body failed me. But looking at my healthy baby boy made it all worth it. He's two now, running around full of energy and life!
My first delivery was also intense and fast - less than four hours from the time my water broke. It happened so quickly, there wasn't time for an epidural! I felt so powerful afterwards - like my body knew exactly what to do. It's an incredible, empowering feeling isn't it?
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The first few days were such a blur. The contractions, the pain, the exhaustion - it's all so overwhelming! But the payoff at the end makes it so worth it. Remember that intense feeling when you first held your little one? That's a special memory no one can take away.

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Like you, she found the birthing ball uncomfortable and opted for a stroll instead. A few hours later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Seems like some women are just lucky that way!

My first birth story took place in the comfort of my HDB flat. I had gone past my due date and was scheduled for an induction at the hospital. But contractions started in the early hours of the morning, so we called the midwife and she said to come on over.

The contraction pains were strong and close together from the start. I labored at home for a few hours with my husband timing the contractions. We eventually headed to the hospital, and after a quick check, I was sent home because I was only 2cm dilated and they didn't think it was active labor.

We went back and forth like this - home to hospital and hospital to home - for what felt like forever. Each time the midwife checked me, the cervix was barely dilating. It was slow going. But my body knew what to do and after two long days, I finally dilated enough to push.

With each push, I felt like my whole body was ripping apart. After what seemed like an eternity, the head crowned and then finally slipped out. The relief was immense. But the placenta didn't want to come out so they had to hook me up to an IV and give me a shot to help it along.

When they placed my daughter on my chest, all the pain melted away. She looked right at me, and I felt this overwhelming love. I couldn't believe she was finally here - it seemed like she'd been stuck inside me forever! And there was so much blood - way more than I had ever imagined. It soaked through the bedsheets and the midwives were scrambling to control the flow. It was crazy.

I eventually needed a few stitches down below but refused any pain meds, which I regret a little now since I could barely walk for weeks! But she was healthy and I was so happy, I didn't care about anything else. And that's my first birth story - it was intense!

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