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Birth Stories: Threads of Experience


Mar 20, 2024
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My due date was July 29th, but on the evening of the 26th I began experiencing contractions. They started around 8 pm and were about 10 minutes apart. I had been anticipating a long labor so tried to sleep through them, but by midnight they'd intensified and were 7-5 minutes apart, so we headed to the hospital.

When we arrived, they checked my dilation and I was already 6 cm! I was so happy to hear that since it meant no waiting around for labor to progress. We walked the halls and did our best to manage the pain as the contractions intensified - back massage helped immensely. By 4 am, I was dilated to 8cm and felt the urge to push, but my body was not quite ready. After another hour of more intense contractions, I began pushing.

Pushing felt so rewarding - like progress was being made with each one - but also incredibly challenging as my body worked hard and my face likely wore an intense grimace! My little one's heart rate dipped a few times which worried the midwives, but thankfully after 3 hours of pushing, out he came at 7.45am, crying immediately - 8lbs 6oz of pure bliss.

He's now asleep on my chest as I type this, and I'm feeling incredibly grateful and in awe of the whole experience. It was intense and overwhelming but also incredibly empowering. Birth is amazing! Tired but so in love.
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Congratulations on your little one! Your birth story sounds absolutely incredible, what a powerful experience. I'm so glad to hear you're doing well and feeling grateful - that's wonderful.

It's an amazing feeling when your body just knows what to do and you've worked so hard to bring that beautiful baby into the world. You should be so proud! Enjoy every moment and thank you for sharing your story.
Congratulations on your little one! Your birth story sounds absolutely incredible, what a powerful experience. I'm so glad to hear you're doing well and feeling grateful - that's wonderful.

It's an amazing feeling when your body just knows what to do and you've worked so hard to bring that beautiful baby into the world. You should be so proud! Enjoy every moment and thank you for sharing your story.
Yes, I'm finally getting a hang of this parenting thing after two kids. My first birth was rather traumatic, so it's a wonderful change to experience this empowering natural birth with Baby #2. This little one certainly has an adventurous spirit already! I'm fascinated by how our bodies are created to function so intuitively - it's truly remarkable. Thanks for listening, hope you have a great day!
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Yes, I'm finally getting a hang of this parenting thing after two kids. My first birth was rather traumatic, so it's a wonderful change to experience this empowering natural birth with Baby #2. This little one certainly has an adventurous spirit already! I'm fascinated by how our bodies are created to function so intuitively - it's truly remarkable. Thanks for listening, hope you have a great day!
Traumatic first birth experiences can leave a significant impact on new mothers. It is fortunate that your second birth helped you healing from the trauma and offered you a sense of empowerment instead. What a wonderful and meaningful adventure it has been for you! Have a great day ahead and enjoy bonding with your little ones.
Yes, I'm finally getting a hang of this parenting thing after two kids. My first birth was rather traumatic, so it's a wonderful change to experience this empowering natural birth with Baby #2. This little one certainly has an adventurous spirit already! I'm fascinated by how our bodies are created to function so intuitively - it's truly remarkable. Thanks for listening, hope you have a great day!
Wow, it is truly remarkable how our bodies can instinctively handle the challenge of birth, what an incredible experience, especially after a challenging first birth! It must have been such a wonderful feeling to witness your body working so intuitively. Enjoy bonding with your new addition and congrats again on your little adventurer!
Have a great day too!
Yes, I'm finally getting a hang of this parenting thing after two kids. My first birth was rather traumatic, so it's a wonderful change to experience this empowering natural birth with Baby #2. This little one certainly has an adventurous spirit already! I'm fascinated by how our bodies are created to function so intuitively - it's truly remarkable. Thanks for listening, hope you have a great day!
Enjoy bonding with your new addition. Have a good day too!
Thanks so much, you too! It's been such a magical and surreal experience - still can't believe he's finally here after nine long months!
Thanks so much, you too! It's been such a magical and surreal experience - still can't believe he's finally here after nine long months!
It is a surreal feeling, isn't it? The wait feels eternal when you're counting down to meet your little one. Enjoy every precious moment; they grow up in a flash!
Yes, those last few weeks are so exciting but also very anticipation-filled; you're so ready to meet your baby! And then they arrive and time just seems to zoom past - it's such a blur of excitement, tiredness, and wonder. Those newborn moments are truly precious; you're right - it all goes too quickly!
Yes, those last few weeks are so exciting but also very anticipation-filled; you're so ready to meet your baby! And then they arrive and time just seems to zoom past - it's such a blur of excitement, tiredness, and wonder. Those newborn moments are truly precious; you're right - it all goes too quickly!
Time certainly flies when you have a newborn. Before you know it, they're already five years old like my little one! It's a wondrous and exhilarating journey, one that brings immense joy. Enjoy every stage of motherhood and the special moments with your little one.
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Enjoying every stage is definitely easier said than done! Some stages are really challenging but as you say, it's a wondrous journey and the time just flies by, so I remind myself to cherish these moments while they last, despite the challenges because one day I'll look back on them fondly. It's heartening to hear how much you're relishing every stage too - it reminds me to savour each precious moment.
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It's so true -- time really does fly by, and before we know it, our little ones aren't so little anymore! It's a great reminder to slow down, appreciate, and savor each stage because, as challenging as some moments may be, they're all part of this precious journey.
It's so amazing how perspective changes everything - once you become a mum, time seems to move in an entirely different way. Savoring each stage and moment is such a great mindset; it makes guilty feelings fade away when I'm wishing time would speed up a tricky phase! It helps me remember to appreciate every part of this journey.
It's so amazing how perspective changes everything - once you become a mum, time seems to move in an entirely different way. Savoring each stage and moment is such a great mindset; it makes guilty feelings fade away when I'm wishing time would speed up a tricky phase! It helps me remember to appreciate every part of this journey.
Mumhood can definitely change your perception of time, it feels like it's moving simultaneously fast and slow. Savoring the moments and appreciating this unique stage of life is a wonderful approach; it's easy to forget in the exhaustion and challenges, but these moments are fleeting and so special. It's great that you're aware and mindful of this fact! Do you have any more children aside from your five-year-old?
No, my five year old is an only child. I agree that the stages and phases are so fleeting - especially as they're so young! I often wish I could pause time or at least slow it down a little, to savor certain moments longer. It's hard when you're in the thick of exhaustion and the challenging stages, but I remind myself of how quickly it'll all pass and try to appreciate the little things.
I agree - the sweet moments make it all worthwhile! It's like riding a wave - some days you're up and some days you're down, but as long as we enjoy the ride and appreciate the good moments, that's what counts!
I agree - the sweet moments make it all worthwhile! It's like riding a wave - some days you're up and some days you're down, but as long as we enjoy the ride and appreciate the good moments, that's what counts!
You're absolutely right. The precious moments of joy are the ones to appreciate and remember, especially when things get tough. They grow up so quickly, and those fun and special moments as a little family are what leaves lasting memories.
You're absolutely right. The precious moments of joy are the ones to appreciate and remember, especially when things get tough. They grow up so quickly, and those fun and special moments as a little family are what leaves lasting memories.
That's right. Before we know it, they'll be all grown up and flying the nest. Cherished memories of cute, fun times can help us get through the harder moments.
That's right. Before we know it, they'll be all grown up and flying the nest. Cherished memories of cute, fun times can help us get through the harder moments.
They grow up so fast! It's really a blur; one needs to constantly remind oneself to be present and appreciate these fleeting moments. Does anyone else here have any funny stories or anecdotes about their children growing up?

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