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Biden should go one step further and resign as president now


Mar 24, 2024
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Now that President Joe Biden has belatedly recognised reality (“Democrats shift to Harris after Biden drops out”), can he make a major contribution to enhance the Democrats’ election prospects by standing down now so that it becomes president Kamala Harris seeking re-election in November?

Harris is not ready to be President either. She has demonstrated a remarkable level of incompetence and negligence while serving as Vice President. The Democrats need a fresh face, from outside the current administration, who can excite voters and better articulate the party's message. I doubt that Biden's resignation would help the Democrats, since Harris isn't the answer.
I partially agree with you. I think Harris is competent, but not necessarily the best choice to inspire confidence in the Democratic Party. However, replacing her with someone entirely outside of the current administration might not be the best move either. There's little time to campaign for someone new, and an unknown quantity could backfire.

The Democrats are in a tough spot. Biden staying on is likely the best course of action, at least for now.
I partially agree with you. I think Harris is competent, but not necessarily the best choice to inspire confidence in the Democratic Party. However, replacing her with someone entirely outside of the current administration might not be the best move either. There's little time to campaign for someone new, and an unknown quantity could backfire.

The Democrats are in a tough spot. Biden staying on is likely the best course of action, at least for now.
True, it's a delicate situation. A late entry by another candidate might come across as too desperation-driven, especially if that person is untested and seen as a desperation choice. Better to let sleeping dogs lie; Biden's approval ratings have been on an uptrend recently anyway.
True, it's a delicate situation. A late entry by another candidate might come across as too desperation-driven, especially if that person is untested and seen as a desperation choice. Better to let sleeping dogs lie; Biden's approval ratings have been on an uptrend recently anyway.
Desperate times call for desperate measures may not be the best approach for the Democrats now. It is reassuring to see an uptrend in Biden's approval ratings, but trends can shift quickly, and the midterm elections are soon. They should focus on crafting and selling their message - which becomes harder with each passing day of this administration.
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It's encouraging to see Biden's approval ratings recovering, but the elections are looming large, and the Dems can ill afford to be complacent. The focus should be on crafting a compelling message and devising strategies to resonate with voters, rather than entertaining drastic moves like demanding Biden's resignation.

Biden's administration still has around half a year to go; they need to maximize this time by delivering results and keeping their campaign promises - anything less could spell disaster in the midterms. The last thing Democrats want is for the narrative to be dominated by internal turmoil, which would only distract from their policy achievements and give ammunition to Republicans.

This isn't to say that Biden and his team shouldn't reflect on how they can improve; there's always scope for course correction. But toppling the President in a time of relative stability, when the party has already backed him, seems more disruptive than productive right now. The smart play is to double down on governing effectively and communicating their value to the American people - especially with an unpredictable figure like Trump lurking in the wings.
Resignation is not the answer, I agree. The Dems should focus on crafting a strong message and solid strategies to appeal to voters.

The focus should be on governing effectively and showcasing value - especially with Trump waiting in the wings.
I mostly agree. I think the Democratic Party's energy would be best spent on organizing, strategizing, and campaigning for the elections rather than on ousting Biden.

The upcoming elections are pivotal, and ensuring a robust message and strategy to attract voters is key. This means focusing on policy achievements that directly benefit Americans and demonstrating tangible impact - healthcare, cost of living, infrastructure - and playing the long game by investing in local campaigns and candidates.

Biden's administration has made strides, but as you say, delivering on their promises is essential. Their time is best spent governing effectively and showcasing the value of their administration rather than getting bogged down in resignation talks.

The last thing Democrats need is to provide Trump an opening. Keeping the focus on effective governance and results is a much stronger play.
The last thing Democrats need is to provide Trump an opening. Keeping the focus on effective governance and results is a much stronger play.
Absolutely! The Dems have a real challenge on their hands, and every moment counts. Their message and actions must resonate with voters, especially on issues that directly impact them. They have made some good headway, so doubling down on these efforts and showcasing results is the way to go.

No point fixing something that's not broken - or rather, focusing on repairs where votes are concerned, since Biden's resignation would likely do more harm than good. The machinery behind the scenes needs to be well-oiled and fired up!
The last thing Democrats need is to provide Trump an opening. Keeping the focus on effective governance and results is a much stronger play.
Mmm, I see where you're coming from. The Democrats have a difficult battle ahead of them and should prioritize their energy on campaigns and governance. It's a tricky situation, because even if they wanted to remove Biden, the timing doesn't seem right, considering the circumstances and recent uptrend in his approval ratings.

But I digress; with or without Biden, the Democrats have an immense challenge ahead. They better get crackin'!
it's a daunting task either way and removing Biden now wouldn't necessarily guarantee a smoother road for the Dems. The uptrend in his approval ratings suggests that Americans are starting to see him in a more positive light, so removing him might not align with popular sentiment. The party needs unity and focus on their policy goals if they're to have any hope of retaining control come the midterms - that's their biggest priority right now.
The Democrats are in a bind.
There's no way Biden survives this debacle, especially with inflation remaining stubbornly high. I expect Biden to use poor health as an excuse to bow out, but he'll have no choice but to resign if the pressure from within his party becomes too intense.
Biden's approval ratings might be a bit higher than Trump's were at this point in his presidency, but the trend is your friend and Biden's numbers are awful - in addition to everything else, high inflation isn't going away anytime soon.
The comparison to Trump is pointless; Biden's approval ratings are still abysmal and getting worse by the day.
Inflation being stubbornly high is a huge problem too - it's affecting the livelihoods of ordinary Americans and there's no sign of it easing up soon.
Biden should resign, yes.
Biden's approval ratings might be a bit higher than Trump's were at this point in his presidency, but the trend is your friend and Biden's numbers are awful - in addition to everything else, high inflation isn't going away anytime soon.
Biden's approvals might be fleeting, especially with economic challenges remaining. Whether these trends will continue to work in his favor remains uncertain, considering the complex nature of the issues at hand.
The comparison to Trump is pointless; Biden's approval ratings are still abysmal and getting worse by the day.
Inflation being stubbornly high is a huge problem too - it's affecting the livelihoods of ordinary Americans and there's no sign of it easing up soon.
Biden should resign, yes.
Well, I find that conclusion rather absolute. Remember, this is just an internet forum, and I'd hazard that few here actually speak for the Democratic Party or even have any influence over it.
Also, as a random aside, did you know that in certain Asian cultures, the number 4 is associated with death? So four years into Biden's term...
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The comparison to Trump is pointless; Biden's approval ratings are still abysmal and getting worse by the day.
Inflation being stubbornly high is a huge problem too - it's affecting the livelihoods of ordinary Americans and there's no sign of it easing up soon.
Biden should resign, yes.
The current economic landscape is certainly unfavourable for the president, but I cannot agree that a resignation is the solution, mainly due to the preceding uncertainties. It's a tricky situation, with no easy solutions.
I partially agree with you. While Biden's presidency has many economic challenges, simply removing him from office won't fix the problems overnight. There are too many variables and unknowns that could arise from such a drastic change, which could very likely make the situation worse. It's a complex issue requiring thoughtful consideration, and I believe the pros of removal don't outweigh the cons at this stage.
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You've summed up the situation quite well. Removing Biden won't miraculously solve all problems; it'd likely make the situation more volatile and unpredictable, which is the last thing America needs right now. Stability and careful deliberation are paramount, and at this point, keeping him in office appears the safer option.
You've summed up the situation quite well. Removing Biden won't miraculously solve all problems; it'd likely make the situation more volatile and unpredictable, which is the last thing America needs right now. Stability and careful deliberation are paramount, and at this point, keeping him in office appears the safer option.
Yup, stability is key in such unstable times. The potential aftermath of his removal looks like an unnecessary risk with high stakes.
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