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Balancing Self & Baby


Feb 9, 2024
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This is such an important topic to discuss! Having a baby changes your life in so many ways, and it's very easy to lose yourself in the process of caring for your little one. What are some ways you've found to maintain your sense of self, and also create healthy boundaries so you're not burnt out? How do you balance your needs with the demands of being a new mom?

For me, making sure I have some 'me' time has been crucial - whether it's an hour walk or a quick coffee catch up with a friend. What about you?
I think scheduling dedicated 'me' time is such a great idea! I do something similar and also try to incorporate some solo activities I can do with my new baby, like attending a weekly mom-and-me yoga class or going for a walk - it's a great way to bond and gives me some alone time with the little one without overwhelming family help.

I also make sure to schedule some time for myself once a week, whether it's an hour at the mall or getting my nails done. I feel that taking that dedicated time helps me refocus and recharge, and I can give my all when I'm back with my baby. It's so easy to forget about yourself when there's a new adorable bundle demanding all your attention - but as they say, you can't pour from an empty cup!

What other ways have you found to get some alone time while also spending quality time with your little one?
I try to involve my baby in most activities I do, and fortunately, he loves being worn in a carrier while I go about my day! I feel like it gives him a sense of what 'mommy time' looks like and hope it will help him develop some independence as he learns that this is just what we do.
I also make sure that most chores have 'baby involvement,' whether it's chatting and singing together while I cook, or doing some stretching/yoga moves with him by my side (or on me!).

My little one loves being outside, so if all else fails, putting him in the stroller and walking around the block is a sure way to calm him down or tire him out. Then I get some 'me time' while pushing him around the neighbourhood.
I try to involve my baby in most activities I do, and fortunately, he loves being worn in a carrier while I go about my day! I feel like it gives him a sense of what 'mommy time' looks like and hope it will help him develop some independence as he learns that this is just what we do.
I also make sure that most chores have 'baby involvement,' whether it's chatting and singing together while I cook, or doing some stretching/yoga moves with him by my side (or on me!).

My little one loves being outside, so if all else fails, putting him in the stroller and walking around the block is a sure way to calm him down or tire him out. Then I get some 'me time' while pushing him around the neighbourhood.
Good on you for finding ways to involve your baby in your daily activities! It's a great way to keep him engaged and stimulated from an early age.

I've also heard of other moms who swear by baby-wearing, although it can get hot and tricky with Singapore's weather! But it definitely is a good way to have your hands free while giving the little one some snuggles.

It seems like you've got a good routine going on - what other strategies have you found useful for keeping that work-life (or rather, mommy-life) balance?
I try to involve my baby in most activities I do, and fortunately, he loves being worn in a carrier while I go about my day! I feel like it gives him a sense of what 'mommy time' looks like and hope it will help him develop some independence as he learns that this is just what we do.
I also make sure that most chores have 'baby involvement,' whether it's chatting and singing together while I cook, or doing some stretching/yoga moves with him by my side (or on me!).

My little one loves being outside, so if all else fails, putting him in the stroller and walking around the block is a sure way to calm him down or tire him out. Then I get some 'me time' while pushing him around the neighbourhood.
Good tactic in getting some quality time with baby while keeping up with your to-do's. Fortunately (or unfortunately), they're such sponge-like little beings, absorbing all sorts of experiences!

How else could parents achieve this important work-life-baby balance?
Quality time is such a great way to think about bonding with your baby while also being efficient with your time! I would also add that creating a routine, especially for the weekdays, can help signal what to prioritize and when. Knowing you have designated times for specific tasks can help ease some of the mental load many parents experience and give dedicated, focused time to baby.

Making the most of those 'sponge-like' moments is such a great tactic, too - all of these sensory experiences are so important for their development and also help create those special bonds and connections.
Creating a daily routine definitely helps! It gives a good structure to the day and you're right about easing the mental load - I feel like I can breathe a little easier when I have a plan. And it's amazing how much those sponge-like moments add up; I love watching them take everything in.
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Creating a daily routine definitely helps! It gives a good structure to the day and you're right about easing the mental load - I feel like I can breathe a little easier when I have a plan. And it's amazing how much those sponge-like moments add up; I love watching them take everything in.
Having a daily plan, especially for us parents who are naturally forgetful and tired, provides some sanity! It also prepares you for any eventualities and the inevitable - baby's cranky moments. Good on you for realizing that all these efforts contribute to that precious bond!
Creating a daily routine definitely helps! It gives a good structure to the day and you're right about easing the mental load - I feel like I can breathe a little easier when I have a plan. And it's amazing how much those sponge-like moments add up; I love watching them take everything in.
Routines can sometimes go out of the window though, especially with a fussy baby or a sudden change of plans. How do you stay adaptable when things don't quite go according to plan?
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I think it’s all about prioritization - what absolutely needs to get done and keeping the most important elements of your routine. For me, a quick workout or some form of physical activity is non-negotiable even if everything else goes out of the window on particularly tough days. I’ll adapt by cutting down the duration or intensity on days I’m short on time or energy, but just getting some endorphins going keeps me sane and energized to keep up with my little one.
That's so true; prioritization is key, and it seems like you've found what works best for you. Keeping up with a routine, however modified, is an excellent way to maintain some sense of balance and sanity - we all know those endorphins are a total mood booster!

What other strategies have worked for you in keeping that balance? So many new challenges arise as a parent; it's great to have strategies up your sleeve!
That's so true; prioritization is key, and it seems like you've found what works best for you. Keeping up with a routine, however modified, is an excellent way to maintain some sense of balance and sanity - we all know those endorphins are a total mood booster!

What other strategies have worked for you in keeping that balance? So many new challenges arise as a parent; it's great to have strategies up your sleeve!
You're right. As a parent, one has to be prepared for any scenario and having a few strategies up my sleeve has been a real lifesaver!

Aside from the daily routine, I make sure to set aside some me-time each day - even if it's just 15 minutes to relax and do nothing, or enjoy some quiet time with some tea. It helps me check in with myself and makes me feel whole, especially when I'm able to pair it with some form of meditation or mind-clearing exercise like deep breathing.

I also try to reserve some focused playtime with my little one a few times a week where it's just the two of us - no distractions like phones or TV. It's amazing how quickly this becomes his favorite activity, which makes me think that he too values some dedicated mama-and-me time! And of course, these special moments help create precious memories and strengthen our bond even more.
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That's fantastic to hear! Daily routines are great, and I love your idea of setting aside some dedicated me-time - it's so important to take care of yourself, and it sounds like your relaxation time also helps you stay present for your little one too.

focused playtime is a wonderful idea and I'm sure those special moments are precious. It's great that you're creating such a strong bond!
Thank you so much for your kind words! Daily routines have been a lifesaver since becoming a mom and I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way.

I think setting aside dedicated time for myself has helped me become more patient and energized as a parent too because, like you said, it helps me stay present. Even if it's just thirty minutes of focused playtime, it makes such a difference in our connection and helps make up for the times when I need to attend to other things.

I'm all about creating those special moments and making every moment count - especially since time goes by so fast!
Creating dedicated time for yourself is an excellent way to ensure you're energized and present for your little one. It's wonderful that you've found daily routines to be a lifesaver and that you're creating special, meaningful moments together.

Those focused playtimes will definitely become precious memories as your little one grows up, and they'll appreciate your thoughtful attention! It's a great way to balance those demands of parenting and self-care, and you're right - it makes the time you have together so much more meaningful and engaging!
Thank you so much for this beautiful insight and encouragement! I totally agree that creating dedicated time helps one feel energized and present, which is so essential when being a caregiver. Finding that balance and making these meaningful moments definitely makes parenting fulfilling and enjoyable. It's a great strategy to make the most of those special early years too!
Creating dedicated time slots really is a powerful way to ensure you're giving yourself the attention you deserve - it's so easy to get swept away by the demands of caring for a new life! And when you feel energized and present, everyone benefits from those meaningful moments :)
It's such a great strategy, especially in those special early years when every minute seems so precious and dear.
Creating dedicated time slots really is a powerful way to ensure you're giving yourself the attention you deserve - it's so easy to get swept away by the demands of caring for a new life! And when you feel energized and present, everyone benefits from those meaningful moments :)
It's such a great strategy, especially in those special early years when every minute seems so precious and dear.
You're right; it's so important to consciously create balance, especially in the demanding early stages of parenthood! It's wonderful to hear your insights on how these intentional actions make a difference and bring fulfillment, enjoyment, and meaning to parenting. It really is a season of life to treasure!

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