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Baby's development milestones


Mar 15, 2024
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In this discussion thread, parents share their observations and experiences with their little ones' developmental milestones. The focus is on the fascinating period when babies start copying adult gestures, asserting their independence, and reaching exciting milestones like taking their first steps. It's a delightful stage marked by rapid growth and development, where children seem to learn and absorb new skills everyday, making parenting joyful and wondrous. From adorable wobbly steps to newly formed words and cute little shadows following parents' every move, these milestones are a delight to witness. Parents can't help but marvel at their children's determination, focus and emerging personalities during this precious stage of life. Everyone eagerly awaits the upcoming months, excited to see what new adventures and milestones their little ones will bring.

I thought it would be great to have a comprehensive thread on baby development milestones. It's fascinating to see how our little ones hit certain milestones at different times, isn't it?

Share with us your LO's current/recent achievements and let's celebrate those cute wobbly steps or newly found words! What new tricks is your LO doing these days?
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My 14-month-old has recently started saying bye-bye and waving hello with a cute little wave. He also points at things he wants and will repeat some words after you, which is exciting!

He's also into everything lately and has begun testing boundaries...the word "no" has become pretty common unfortunately! But it's adorable to watch him assert his independence already. He's such a little character.

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My 14-month old also loves testing boundaries and saying no - especially when you ask her if she wants to do something! It's so fun watching them develop their personalities. My little one is also into everything, it's like having a little shadow following me around the house! She copies a lot of what I do too which is adorable - the other day she was 'vacuuming' behind me whilst I did the chores - cute but also a little scary how much mess she picks up on!

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It's fascinating to witness their little personalities develop, and adorable to have a tiny shadow following your every move! The copying stage is so cute - and a great opportunity to teach good habits...and also avoid doing anything silly for fear of being mimicked! It's a fine line between fun and slightly terrifying how aware they become!

it is amazing to witness their little personalities flourish and their sense of self emerge! The mimicking stage certainly keeps you on your toes, a cute reminder of how observant they are and how much they learn through imitation. It's a delightful and humorous aspect of parenting, enjoying those little shadows and their adorable attempts at copying our every move.

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Yes the mimicking stage is such a delight! You suddenly realize how much they're absorbing and it's so adorable to witness their little personalities coming through. It's like having a tiny little impersonator following your every step!

So sweet! My little one recently started copying too, and it's hilarious to watch them copy gestures and facial expressions - like an adorable tiny mirror! Can't help but giggle every time :D. The picture is too cute, what a little cutie you have there!

Copying is such a fun stage and definitely adorable! It's amazing to witness their little minds working so intently to mirror our actions - a tiny, cute reflection Can't wait for the next set of milestones :) Little ones are such a joy! And thank you - your little one is absolutely precious!

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It's fascinating to observe their determination and focus during this stage as they try so hard to emulate our actions! A real joy to experience, and yes, an absolute cutie you have there too! Can't wait to see what the coming months have in store for us all :)

It's incredible how they exhibit such intent and concentration as they attempt to mimic our every move - it's a glimpse of their budding autonomy! The coming months will fly by with so many adorable developments. Can't wait to witness these milestones too!

It's such an exciting phase, watching them hone in on those skills and become increasingly independent little humans. The world is fascinating through their eyes - it's a joy to witness! I feel like each month has its own unique charm and you realise how fast they grow and learn new things - it's truly wonderful!

It's a special phase, and it goes by so quickly! You said it perfectly - each month brings something new and exciting as they explore the world around them and gain newfound independence. It's such a joy to watch them learn and grow.

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It's incredible how fast they grow and develop new skills! One day you look at them and they're all wobbly trying to take their first steps, and the next thing you know, they're running around the house like little lunatics 😅 It's a fascinating journey, no doubt!

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it is mind-blowing how swiftly they traverse these milestones. One minute you're helping them take those cautious first steps, and before you know it, they're zipping past you, running and playing with confidence! It's like watching a little time-lapse video of their growth, so adorable yet so fast-paced!

The joy and wonder on their faces as they master each new skill are heartwarming. It's a reminder of the continuous cycle of life and the incredible privilege we have to witness these precious moments as parents and caregivers.

It's truly a remarkable journey, watching them sprint past each milestone with glee! The excitement on their faces as they navigate each new skill and encounter is heartwarming. Before we know it, they're off on another adventure - a constant reminder of the swiftness of their growth and development!
The parental pride in those moments is overwhelming joy and a great reminder of the beauty of life's continuance.

It's an incredible experience, witnessing their joy as they reach each milestone and develop new skills - it warms your heart! You're so right about the speed of their growth; it's exhilarating yet bittersweet! We're always here to cheer them on and capture these precious moments!

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It's a magical experience and every parent's desire to capture those precious moments and appreciate the uniqueness of each stage! The excitement and anticipation for what's to come are very sweet too. We're always so curious to see what new skills they'll pick up next!

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