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Baby's development milestones


Feb 22, 2024
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What an exciting topic! I think it's really fascinating to learn about the different stages of baby development, so feel free to share all your experiences here.

Some general milestones to get the ball rolling:

- By one year, most babies will have doubled their birth weight and grown about 50%, length-wise.

- Baby's first smile usually appears around week 6, and social smiling starts around week 8.

- Most babies sit without support by 6 months old, and some may even start to crawl or stand unaided around this time too.

- The famous "first word" often emerges between the ages of 10-14 months, with physical milestones like walking typically occurring between 9-14 months.

Are there any specific milestones you'd like to discuss further? I'm keen to hear about baby developments, as well as any cute stories or anecdotes you have about your little ones!

My girl turned one recently and she's been walking since 11 months adjusted . She's also started running now - it's so adorable to watch her totter towards you! I think it really varies a lot when it comes to milestones coz my friend's boy only started walking at 16 months.

My sis says her gal had a huge leap in language skills around 20 months - went from a few words to full sentences! And of course, the tantrums came soon after. Haha! But it's so entertaining when they have mini conversations now, like proper chit-chat even though we know they don't really understand each other.

Can't help sharing this cute story - my daughter got her first haircut recently and she was so well-behaved! She just stood there quietly taking it all in while the stylist cut her hair. But after the third or fourth snip, she turned around and shouted, "MAMA!" as if to check if I was still there. Made me melt right there and then.

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My girl turned one recently and she's been walking since 11 months adjusted . She's also started running now - it's so adorable to watch her totter towards you! I think it really varies a lot when it comes to milestones coz my friend's boy only started walking at 16 months.

My sis says her gal had a huge leap in language skills around 20 months - went from a few words to full sentences! And of course, the tantrums came soon after. Haha! But it's so entertaining when they have mini conversations now, like proper chit-chat even though we know they don't really understand each other.

Can't help sharing this cute story - my daughter got her first haircut recently and she was so well-behaved! She just stood there quietly taking it all in while the stylist cut her hair. But after the third or fourth snip, she turned around and shouted, "MAMA!" as if to check if I was still there. Made me melt right there and then.
Oh yeah, every baby's different man. My tot started walking at around 10 months but he only had a few proper words at around 2 years old hahaha. And now he never stops talking! Can really melt your heart hor, these little ones got so much personality from the very beginning. I feel like the first year or so is when they change and develop the fastest -- it's so interesting to watch!

Wah, this is such an interesting topic to discuss!

I think one super cute milestone is the first laugh. My baby's first genuine laugh was at his dad's silly faces and it was so heartwarming man. Like this little bundle of joy is finally here and responding to your goofy antics - precious!

Also, baby's first steps are a huge milestone. I still remember how excited I was when my kiddo took her very first steps. She was so proud of herself, tottering around the house like a little drunkard. Melted my heart man, this tiny human is slowly but surely finding her footing in the world!

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Yea, it's pretty neat learning about all the different milestones. Baby development is such a wondrous process!

I've heard that by 6 months old, some babies start teething and grabbing everything in sight too. And apparently, some toddlers can identify different shapes and colors by the time they're 2! It's amazing how every child has their own unique pace and ways of doing things - like my little one surprised me by talking super early, but walking only at a later stage. Those first steps are a big moment too - so exciting!

Any parent stories out there about your little ones hitting these milestones?

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Yah! I found this topic quite interesting too! Baby development stages can be so fascinating, especially when you think about how tiny they are when they're born and then see them hit these growth milestones.

My cousin's baby is now almost 7 months old and sitting up really straight when supported. Can't wait to see her take her first steps - it's such a precious sight! I remember my niece at that age; she was super quick to crawl everywhere and even tried pulling herself up along the sofa. But walking took a while longer - and she'd always get distracted halfway and just sit down, forget what she was doing, and crawl again haha!

Yup, baby milestones are exciting! My little one is a real chatterbox these days. She's just hit the phase where she's started talking up a storm - lots of gibberish but sometimes I can make out actual words too haha! It's so fascinating to see how their language skills develop and when they start piecing together proper sentences.

And of course, the first steps are a big one! Mine took her very first steps around 13 months - such a proud moment for momma here! But it was a long process; she'd been cruising along furniture for months before that. I think it's really interesting how every baby has their own timeline for all this.

Also, seeing them grow more aware of the world around them is so cute! My girl gets fascinated by the darndest things, like the other day she spent ages just observing this tiny ant crawling on the floor. Kids are amazing eh? Can't wait to hear about everyone else's experiences!

Yeah, it's really cute when they start running! They're just so adorable, running around like little tottering toddlers.

The haircut story is super sweet too - mummy always has their back, heh. It's amazing how different kids hit milestones at different times, but it's fascinating to watch them grow and develop their personalities, huh? My nephew started talking super early, forming proper sentences by 18 months, but his cousin was a late walker, and that's fine too! It's awesome to celebrate each milestone as it comes, yeah.


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