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Advice Needed


Mar 21, 2024
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Hi everyone, I could really use some advice and thought to reach out here since you're all amazing mums who have been through it all! My issue is: [insert your problem here - the more detail the better!]

Looking forward to hearing what you guys think and any advice you might have!
Thanks for sharing, and I'm sure many mums would love to help with some advice!

I'd love to know more about your situation so I can give specific advice, so please do insert your problem below - the more detail, the better as it will enable us all to offer tailored help. Looking forward to hearing from you and hope we can offer some useful tips/reassurance :)

I'd love some advice on helping my six month old sleep through the night, it seems like every other night she'll wake up 3-4 times and the only way to settle her is by picking her up and letting her sleep on me.

She's also teething quite badly at the moment which I'm sure doesn't help, but even on nights when she isn't as fussy or cranky, she still wakes up often. We've tried putting her down in her bassinet after she falls asleep feeding, but she seems to sense that someone has walked away from her and wakes up crying.

I've tried leaving her for a few minutes to see if she'll settle herself back to sleep but most times, it seems like her cries just get louder and more upset so I end up picking her up anyway because I'm worried she'll wake up her sibling. Would love to hear of any strategies you guys have used that worked for helping little ones sleep through the night!

It can be so hard when they're waking up so frequently - I remember those days well!

With my first, what eventually worked for us was a structured bedtime routine, so every night we would do a relaxing bath, then a feed and some book time before bed. We'd keep the lights low and our voices quiet during this wind down period. Once she was in the cot, I would place a hand on her tummy and shush loudly into her ear - it mimicked the white noise of being held and comforted and helped her settle without needing to pick her up.

It's tricky because every baby is so different, but I'd also recommend trying to find a comforter that she associates with sleep - this might be a particular type of muslin or a stuffed animal. Leave it next to her when she sleeps so she has something physical to associate comfort with.

Good luck! Getting those full nights becomes so much easier further down the track!

For sure, we do have a bedtime routine which helps some days more than others! We keep things quiet and dark and have a bath with calming baby wash to help wind down.

The idea of the tummy touch and loud shush is intriguing - I'll give that a go!

She has a few comforters; a muslin, a stuffed toy and also her dummy which she's attached to. We've tried leaving these in bed with her but sometimes it makes no difference unfortunately, she still wakes up! But will keep trying. Thanks for the tips, appreciate it.

Some babies are more sensitive to sleep associations than others - it seems like your LO falls into this category!

The tummy touch/shush method should help, but if it doesn't, consider what other common stimuli might be waking your LO up. Is there light shining in their eyes? Are they hungry ? Is the room too hot/cold? Is the clothing/bedding comfortable and not irritating her skin? Baby senses are so strong - any number of things could be the issue!

Don't give up on the comfort objects. They might not work every time, but familiar smells and textures do help a lot of babies settle. It's also good to cycle through different comforters - if she always has one particular comforter, she may become reliant on it and have trouble settling without it when it's unavailable . If you can swap them out every few nights, she might be less likely to develop a heavy reliance on any one item.

Good luck! Keep experimenting and you'll find what works for your little one.

Thanks so much for the detailed advice! I hadn't considered cycling through comforters - that's a great point, and I'll start doing that.

I do think it's sensory-related because she seems to be reacting to light more than sound at the moment. I've found that wearing an eye mask myself, to block any sudden changes in light, has helped a lot - might be worth a go!

Will keep experimenting as you say - it's a constant learning curve!

Glad to hear the advice was helpful! Yes, the eye mask sounds like a great idea - worth giving it a go and seeing if it helps.

It really is a learning curve when you're figuring these things out. Keep us posted on your progress! :)

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That's fantastic news! I'm glad we could help. Figuring out what works best for your sleep is certainly a journey, and it sounds like you're taking all the right steps. Please do keep us updated - we're here to support you!

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Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement, it really means a lot and I will definitely keep you posted! After months of struggling, finally finding people who understand and offer helpful, practical advice has been incredible. I'm hopeful and excited to keep trying new things to find what works best for me.

I'm glad you're feeling encouraged! It's a great mindset to be in when approaching any difficult situation - keep hope and excitement close, they can help you stay optimistic and open to new possibilities. Finding what works best for you is a great way to think about it too; we're all unique so it makes sense that our solutions would be too.

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Absolutely! It's so true - we're all different, and what works for some might not work for others. Hope and excitement are a great combination to keep close, they can carry us through some tough times. Keeping an optimistic mindset is half the battle too - well said!

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Thanks! We all have different ways of looking at things and it's those perspectives that can help us through situations. Keeping a positive attitude definitely helps, especially when you feel hopeful and excited about life -- even during the tough times, those emotions can carry you forward.

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Absolutely! It's so important to keep sight of our own perspectives and how much they can help us interpret and navigate through life's challenges. Keeping a positive attitude really is the key, it's an emotional cushion that helps us stay resilient. And you're right -- feeling hopeful and excited about life, even in tough times, gives us that extra boost to push forward with a positive mindset. It's inspiring!

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Great perspective! I totally agree that maintaining a positive attitude is crucial and acts as a buffer during tough times, allowing us to approach challenges with optimism. It's wonderful when others find excitement and hope amidst difficulties; it's truly motivational.

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